Chapter 21

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Applejack's POV


I curl my fingertips around the soaked wood of the canoe, which viciously bobbed against the current, testing me. My limbs felt like they may give out at any moment, and we were far too close to stop now. Attempting not to inhale sea water, I gulp what little air I can and unhook Rainbow from my back, bringing her to my chest to lift her. With a heave, I had gotten half her body to dangle across the boat, climbing weakly inside, yanking the athlete in with me.

Scrambling about, I tried to find a good lying position for her body. I needed to administer CPR as quickly as possible. The boat had a great deal of water sloshing around its bottom flooring, making me resort to an awkward position on one of the benches.

The storm raged around us, waves crashing against the sides of the small canoe. The sky was dark, and lightning sporadically illuminated the chaotic scene. Wetness sloshed over the edge, threatening to capsize the vessel. I was drenched and shivering, struggling to keep the canoe steady.

Rainbow Dash lay limp and unresponsive on the wooden planks of the canoe, her skin pale and lips tinged blue. My heart pounded in my heaving chest, not from fear of the ocean any longer, but rather from the terror of losing my sugar cube.

"Stay with me, Rainbow!" I bellow over the howling wind. I tilted the athlete's head back, pinching her nose shut and sealing my lips over hers, blowing air into her lungs—one breath, then another. I paused momentarily, pressing her fingers against Rainbow's neck, searching desperately for a pulse.


My hands trembled violently, but I had little choice but to force myself to stay calm. I placed my dripping palms on Rainbow's chest, one over the other, and began compressions.

"One, two, three, four..." I counted aloud with a wail, each push firm and steady despite the rocking canoe.

My breath came in ragged gasps, mixing with the salt of the ocean and the sting of tears. I peered at Rainbow's face, willing the girl to take a breath. The storm was relentless, but my entire focus was unwavering as I continued CPR. "Come on, darlin', breathe!"

Swiftly, I paused the compressions and gave two more rescue breaths. Suddenly, Rainbow's chest heaved, and she coughed violently, spewing water. I dropped to my knees, and turned her on her side, helping her expel the seawater.

"Oh, Rainbow! Thank fuck!" My voice croaked as I held the athlete to stead her as she gasped for air. With shock, her magenta eyes fluttered open, dazed but alive.

"AJ..." Rainbow's voice was weak, barely audible over the storm, but it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard; it was all I needed to breathe.

"Shh, it's okay. I've gotchu ya," I whispered into the wind, tears mingling with the rain on my salty cheeks. Holding the rainbow-haired girl tightly, shielding her as best I could from the driving rain. The storm still raged, but my heart felt a little lighter.

"W-what's going on? Is it dead? Is it fucking dead?" The girl scrambled, trying to push herself away to stand. It was a silly move, and she realised it quickly as I reached for her, pulling her back into my arms.

"Ya, it's dead as hell, dontchu worry," I cooe, wiping Rainbow's hair off her swollen, frozen cheeks. "Just relax, 'ight? I'll figure it out, promise."

But I needed to think, and my brain was in shambles. I didn't know our next move, not with the boat swaying against the angry waves and no oars to paddle us back to land. Part of Rainbow knew this and wouldn't stop helping, no matter how weak she was. Personally, my muscles ached, my bones felt stiff, and I didn't want to move any longer.

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