Back Home Safe... Or Not

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Once Alex was showered after her fiasco with Oswald, she sat on her bed in her towel with her knees pulled close to her chest. She really wanted to cry, but if she did, she'd ruin her makeup and Oswald would know. She wondered why Oz was coming up to her room in the first place, normally he left her alone if she didn't come out of her room.

"He's probably just obsessing... stop worrying about it," Alex told herself, getting up and going over to the dresser. She rummaged around, looking for some clothes to wear, finding a shirt and dropping her towel to see how it looked when she suddenly heard a knock at her window.

Alex looked over and gasped.


After Jonathan took out Oswald's men who were guarding the gardens, he and Edward snuck to Alex's window with the ladder. "And you're sure this is it?" Jonathan asked as he propped the ladder against the brick.

Edward raised his eyebrow. "Are you really questioning me?" he gestured up the ladder. "See for yourself."

Jonathan rolled his eyes, but he began to climb up to the window. Sure enough, when he peeked inside, he spotted his naked wife holding a shirt up to herself. She looked stunning, and he wished he could enter the window and claim her right then and there. But no, he had to take her to safety first.

"Is she up there?" Edward asked.

Jonathan nodded and knocked on the window. Alex looked over and her eyes widened when she saw him. She picked up her towel and wrapped it around herself before running over to the window and flinging it open. "John!" she cried, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hello, my little crow. I'm here to take you back. We have managed to obtain some very valuable information." He kissed her forehead. "You did so well."

Alex blushed. "I didn't do much, love, except, well..." she trailed off, biting her lip as she recalled earlier that morning. "I'm sorry, I-"

"I told you you could, darling, it's okay. I'm not mad. I never was," he assured her. "Now, why don't you get changed and-"

"No time, I'll just wear the towel," Alex said, tying it tight around her.

Jonathan knew arguing with her wouldn't get him anywhere, so he climbed down a bit and helped her manoeuvre out the window and onto the ladder.

"Great, you got her!" he narrowed his eyes however when he saw Alex. "Is she... only in a towel?"

"Don't worry about it," Jonathan told him once they were down. "The important thing is, she's back," Jonathan kissed her forehead, making her giggle. "Now, let's get to the car, I have a surprise for you."


Oswald lay in his bed frowning, even though he had just had th most wonderful time with his love. "She ran away too quickly. I'm still doing something wrong..." he thought to himself as he got up and got dressed. "Well, maybe I'll redeem myself with my surprise."

He had almost forgotten the reason he'd come up to see her in the first place. When she stayed in her room, Oz knew she didn't want to be bothered, but today was a special case.

Once he was presentable again, he went downstairs and found Butch waiting in the foyer with a briefcase. "Ah! Right where I told you to be, perfect," Oz said, checking the briefcase to make sure everything was in it.

"What took you so long, boss?" Butch asked. "I've been waiting for almost a half hour."

Oswald smirked. "My slutty ducky was a little horny today. But not to worry, I took care of it," he chuckled, and Butch groaned.

Philophobia- A Jonathan Crane FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now