Chapter 3

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Alora's POV.

My brother, whose name was Rhys, told me that I had six older brothers.

He also told me that our mom, Summer, didn't exactly live with them.

Honestly, that sounded so like her. I still remember the way she would go on trips and disappear for days before coming back and pretending that she never left.

When she left, my dad and I thought that it was one or another of her ‘detox’ trips. We expected her to return. But she never did.

Two months later, we received a letter from her stating that she wasn't coming back. It didn't tell us why she left. Just a vague apology and something about prioritising her mental health? I don't even know.

She always insisted on me addressing her by her first name and not mom. She wanted to be one of those cool mothers.

Honestly, I don't even know why dad dealt with her bullshit for so long.

He said that his love for her overpowered his resentment. But I never really got over the fact that she was 38 and dad was just 20 when I was conceived. They started dating when he was only 19. And if it hadn't been for that letter, I'm pretty sure my dad would've still been waiting for her to this day.

It might've been legal but it's disgusting. She groomed him! It is never okay for a 38 year old grown ass adult to date a fucking barely legalized kid. It was a whole generation gap!

It's so so wrong the way these types of relationships are romanticised by young people. It might be alright for a 29 year old to date a 49 year old, but it's different at 20 and 38. The person isn't even fully capable of understanding the world.

I think this was one of the reasons my dad was so into her. She swept him off at a young age and had him wrapped around her finger.

Rhys told me that she would occasionally show up at their home, unannounced. Stay a few days, weeks or a month at most, and then disappear again.

I also found out that most of my brothers had different fathers and we were all half siblings. Classic Summer, oof.

But this wasn't all. My brother told me something that absolutely blew my mind. I've been so disassociated and numb the past 2 weeks, nothing fazed me. But this did.

I have a twin brother.

I'm… I don't know how to wrap my head around this… I don't even know.

I had another half of me out there and I didn't even know. My father never knew that he had a son.

It breaks my heart, more for my father and my brother that they never even knew each other. That they never will.

I don't even know what lies Summer spewed to make him think what not. Does he think that our father abandoned us? Does he think dad is a bad person? Does he hate me too…?

I was so nervous.

I absently scratched Caramel's ear and snuggled him, “I'm scared”, I whispered.

He barked and licked my face.

“How long have you had your dog? He's adorable ”, Rhys asked me.

“Long enough”, I said warily. I was not going to tell him the truth.

“Mhm, we're landing in a few minutes”, Rhys told me. We'd been in the plane for a few hours and I guess, it was finally time for me to face my brothers.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

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