Chapter 4

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I have a twin sister.

I was eight when I first found out about it. And that too, with my good old habit of snooping. Guilty, of course.

Summer came back for a few days because I had begged her to. She switched phones a lot but always made sure that I could contact her if needed.

She disappeared so much, so frequently.

As a child, I didn't understand a lot of things. And I also didn't understand that she was and still is, an asshole.

I remember crying over the phone every night, to her voicemail because she wouldn't answer her phone. I cried because I wanted to hug my mom.

I cried because kids at my school were cruel and called me a bastard. They said my mom is a slut. They bullied me over the fact that my mom never showed up at any of my school events.

But I guess my constant crying either made her sympathise with me or maybe annoyed, because she did come back.

That day, I went through her things because I was a nosy little shit. I wanted to know more about her. Just a little would be enough because I didn't feel like I knew my mom at all. She wasn't exactly the maternal type.

And there, I found it.

A polaroid, of her with a tall younger man and a little dark haired girl, around my age. She was giggling as Summer smiled and the man looked at both of them with adoration.

I also noticed the similarities between the man and me. His eyes were grey, just like me. His jaw and the shape of his nose, his face, his hair, it was so similar to mine that it looked as if he was the older version of me.

I might've been eight, but I wasn't stupid. I quickly realised that he was my father.

I asked Summer about it.

She was absolutely furious at me for going through her things.

I remember the way she yanked my hair, snatched the picture out of my hand and told me to not talk about this to anyone.

“What did I tell you about touching my things? ANSWER ME!”, she had asked me furiously as she'd slapped me hard across my left cheek, probably leaving prints of her hand on my face.

I was crying and hiccuping so much, I couldn't even speak.

“You wanna know who this is? This is your father and your twin sister. And you know why he left? Let me tell you, because of you! He'd only wanted a daughter. He hated the idea of failure of a son you are! He'd threatened to leave me if I didn't abort you. You're the reason he's not with me anymore”, she had shouted.

“No one loves you. You're a piece of shit and a boy like you can never be loved. Honestly, I wish I had aborted you”, she had spat on my face and then left me alone.

I cried the whole night.

I did everything I could, to make her proud. To make her love me.

My dad didn't want me. My mom doesn't want me either. I would never be enough. She's right, she should've aborted me. Had I been better, they would've loved me more, this was what I had told myself for the longest time.

I was so young and the amount of insecurities that incident gave me, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. I felt like I was nothing. I didn't feel like a man.

And today was the day I would be finally meeting my twin sister.

I had mixed feelings about it.

One part of me wanted to hate her, for having my father and mother's love, for BEING loved.

And the other part of me knew that it wasn't her fault. That she probably didn't even know I existed.

But I wondered, with a vague sense of bitter longing, that if she did know about me, did she hate me too? Did she think I was a failure too? Did I disgust her like I did Summer and dad?

“Adonis, she's here”, Zeus barged into my room, bringing me out of my thoughts.


“Alora”, he said impatiently as he motioned for me to follow him downstairs.

We reached the lobby a few minutes later and there she was.

A dark haired girl with a bag around her shoulder. Her hair was a mess and she seemed exhausted. Her eyes were puffy and red, as if she'd been crying.

She looked around the room and a few moments after, she spotted me.

Her eyes widened and she stared at me for some time. I did too. And if the situation were different, this would've been disgustingly funny.

But she did something very unexpected soon after.

She ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I think I heard her crying.

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