୨୧ Chapter One ~ December 12th 7.24 PM | Fairy-tales ୨୧

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A beautiful young lady was sitting at a small cafe drinking her evening cup of tea while watching enormous snowflakes fall from the dark sky.

The street was empty. It was like the whole town was deserted, no living soul sat on the wooden bench covered by a thick layer of snow. The yellow lanterns lit up the entire town. All the footsteps were visible in the yellow looking snow but no people after all it was quite late for people to be outside but the time didn't stop Helena from enjoying her season favorite, winter.

Winter was the time of year where everyone was happy and in love, everything was colorful and decorated for the most magical holiday festival, Christmas. Winter was just magical itself but being with friends and family and of course baking together and exchanging gifts was everything to Helena.

Elzuria was a quite small island where everyone knew everyone so the people would celebrate almost everything together and it stayed that way forever.

"One can never help but be born into this delightful world." Helena said.

"I suppose not." Said a young lady with beautiful honey blonde curls that sat down on the other side of the small round wooden table. She sounded somewhat exhausted.

Helena didn't even bother looking away from the window, the view was just hypnotizing. But she also didn't recognize that voice and just continued sipping her hot tea.

"This world is full of good and evil, well mostly evil but there are still so many magical things in life." Helena continued.

"I beg your pardon." The blonde lady named Liliya said as she pressed her eyebrows together. Her Irish accent sounded so fake but also so funny, it made Helena giggle.

Helena couldn't help but wonder who that mysterious lady sitting next to her was but at that moment the only thing she needed to do was concentrate on a way to start the letter to her little sister. Helena would give the letter to her once she grew up and understood what this world was really about.

"I'm sorry miss could you please be a bit quieter, I am trying to figure out how to start my letter." Helena said as she looked up at the lady.

Helena's facial expression changed drastically, the girl sitting next to her was wearing a way too short dress, so not lady-like and very inappropriate to wear especially in public. The dress wasn't even covering her knees properly.

The blonde lady took a big bite of Helena's croissant and noticed the ink, feather and journal laying on the table in front of Helena.

"Oh, excuse me miss, I thought you were speaking to me." Liliya said, her accent was still just as funny as before.

"A lady should never speak with her mouth full." Helena said.

"It's not like I'm planning on marrying someone anytime soon."

"Me neither. I feel like there is still time for me to have fun with the children in the village without a husband and children of my own but mother isn't so happy about my it" Helena said.

"Absolutely, I mean we have two arms and legs for a reason."

Liliya shared the croissant with Helena and smiled. Helena of course happily accepted the croissant but then realized that she hadn't started writing the letter yet.

"We'll what are you smiling at? Please help me with this. I don't have any more ideas and I really don't want to wait until Monday to send this letter." Helena said.

"Always happy to help."

At that moment the two ladies realized how much in common they actually had and started laughing. Both of them were so helpful but also didn't want to leave their childhoods behind and become housewives. They both loved children but at the same time didn't want to have any of their own. Liliya might have had a very inappropriate style but she still had time to fix it and Helena also didn't dress like a regular lady in the brown, gray and white dresses, she preferred something darker like a rich wine red and some black to it.

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