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Seokjin bites lower lip and asks himself, "Should I go back home?"

"Running away from Eomma?" Seokjin's eyes widened in shock and he immediately turns around to find his mother standing in front of him.

The shock of her unexpected appearance pierced through his thoughts, leaving him at a loss for words. He struggled to meet her gaze, the guilt pooling in the depths of his chest.

Hee Yeon's gentle touch on Seokjin's cheeks urges him to finally confront her, to face the emotions that had been swirling inside him. "Seokjinaa, are you still angry with Eomma?"

The tenderness in her voice tugged at his heartstrings, unraveling the walls he had built up in his mind.

Tears started forming in Seokjin's eyes. A mixture of regret and sadness consuming him. He felt a deep sense of guilt and shame, unable to even look his mother in the eyes. He slowly shook his head and says, "It just that I can't meet my eyes with you."

Taking hold of his mother's hand, Seokjin could no longer contain his sorrow, and his tears flowed freely as he spoke. "I am sorry Eomma. I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you. I understand that mere words cannot undo the hurt I have caused, but please know that I am filled with regret and would do anything to make amends."

Hee Yeon shakes her head and pulls Seokjin into a warm hug. In a soothing voice that carried the weight of reassurance, Hee Yeon spoke, "You don't have to apologise. I know that Jun created misunderstanding between us." Her words like a balm to Seokjin's troubled soul. "So it's not your fault. Eomma doesn't blame you for anything." She said while gently caressing Seokjin's head.

Seokjin breaks the hug and looks at his mother. "Still I am sorry Eomma."

With a warm smile, Hee Yeon gently wipes away Seokjin's tears. "I don't want to hear sorry now. Let's go inside and eat dinner together."

Seokjin nods, and Hee Yeon was about to turn around when she abruptly pauses and asks Seokjin, "Where is your wife? She did not come with you all?" Seokjin didn't replied and looked everywhere but his mother.

"Actually, I wanted to thank her." Hee Yeon continues, "Because of her, we are now together. You chose the right girl for you, Seokjinaa. Please never let her go, okay?"

Seokjin smiles faintly and nods his head.

--Next Day--

--Kim's Mansion--

"Eomma your room is ready. Now you can go rest." Seokjin said.

Hee Yeon looks at her three sons. "Is he also here?"

"Are you talking about Appa?" Namjoon inquires, sensing his mother's unease.

Hee Yeon slowly nods.

Seokjin sighs and pulls his mother into a hug. "Don't worry about him, Eomma. If anything happens, your sons will protect you."

"Yes!" Namjoon and Taehyung said in unison and hugged Seokjin and Hee Yeon.

Hee Yeon smiles and says, "I'm sure my sons will protect me, as will my daughter-in-law." She releases the hug and glances at Seokjin. "By the way, where is she? You didn't tell me about her yesterday either."

"She will come back soon." Seokjin replied.

Hee Yeon glares at Seokjin. "Don't tell me you both fought?"

"We just had a little argument. But, Eomma, I promise you that I will bring back your daughter-in-law by hook or crook." Seokjin responded with a smile.

--2 Weeks Later--

--Kim's Fashion--

Seokjin's cabin

Seokjin is sitting at his desk, surrounded by piles of files that require his attention. But he was busy staring at a photo on his phone. It was a photo from his wedding day with YN.

He was so engrossed in the photo that he was completely unaware of his surroundings until he was startled by a whisper in his ear. "Nice picture."

The sudden interruption jolted Seokjin from his reverie, and he quickly turn to face the person who interrupted him. "What the hell? Can't you knock before entering my cabin, Mr. Choi?"

Yeonjun folds his arms and stares at Seokjin. "I knocked thrice but you didn't answer, so I came in and found you staring at your and Mrs. Kim's photo." He smirks, "If you miss her so much, why don't you call her and ask her to come back to you?"

"I tried calling her, but that Vincenzo guy wouldn't let me speak to her. Whenever I call him, he says he is busy and is out for some work." Seokjin responded in an irritating tone.

"Hmm!" Yeonjun places his index finger under his chin and says, "Why don't you ask Mrs. Kim's friend, Park Jimin for help?"

Seokjin let out a deep sigh and says, "Good idea! But will she talk to me? She does not even want to hear my voice."

"Mr. Kim, once she is on call, start crying in front of her, just as you did when Mrs. Kim went missing. I am sure she will listen to you." Yeonjun suggested.

Seokjin dangerously looks at Yeonjun and asks, "Who told you that I cried when Miss Min went missing?"

"Taehyung Hyung!" He blurted out, then covered his mouth with his palms.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Seokjin slammed his hand on his desk and adds, "You are dead meat tonight."


--Vincenzo's Farm House--

"I have a good news for you." Vincenzo said while munching on his food. "Your father killed Dario and caught that man named Kim Jun."

YN looks at Vincenzo in surprise, "Really?"

Vincenzo nods his head and continues eating his meal.

"That means I am going back home now?" YN asked in excitement.

Vincenzo looks at YN, puzzled, and raises an eyebrow. "You want to go back home?"


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