Hidden Figures

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"Jamie, what's wrong?" she asked. It wasn't that she lacked tact, but when it came to family the Dutton's had few boundaries. Maybe it was because they had been around each other so much, or maybe Jamie wore his heart on his sleeve. Whatever it was, she wanted to get it out of him, talking would make him feel better even though he didn't like to talk.

"Yes, I have a child, a son who's named after me. The mother and I didn't marry because of well, things. It's been hard but he's one of the few joys in my life." Jamie didn't look at her as he spoke, he kept his eyes on the road, which was fine. If Jamie wanted, needed, to talk he knew he could talk to her.

"Is something going on with the ranch?" She didn't know why she asked that, but from Jamie's reticence, she got the sense that something was not quite right. She never kept track of local news or local politics, she was too busy with her horses. That was something that didn't serve her well, but it kept her sane.

"Well, you can't tell anyone I said this but things are rough right now. Some land developers are trying to carve up the valley. Remember when Dad fought off Dan Jenkins and his attempt to build condos almost at the edge of the ranch?"

"Yes, sort of. I remember Dad advising Uncle John not to proceed against it without obtaining the best legal counsel he could find. You helped with that, didn't you?" She looked at him, wondering what this was leading to.

"Yes, only this is worse, the fate of the ranch is up in the air unless he's willing to make some compromises." And he probably won't, Jamie thought, this land has too strong a hold on him.

"You mean he could lose the ranch? That's not possible, is it?"

"It is. I see it one way, Beth sees it another," he started but she interrupted.

"Of course, Beth wouldn't agree with you, especially if you're right. I don't know anything about this, but now I wish I did. You're a lawyer, Beth's specialty is finance, but I'm only a farmer, and I live in Texas now. Dad has some interest, albeit small, in the ranch, does he know what's going on?"

"Yes, he does. He knows what's at stake. Sometimes I think it would have been better if your father inherited the ranch, he might make better business decisions." Jamie sighed, "Uncle Ben will step in only if Dad asks him to and we both know he won't." But I wish he would, we need all the help we can get right now, Jamie thought.

"I need to know more about this, Jamie, even if I can't be part of it. Uncle John owns the land, but it's the family's heritage. I'd hate to see us lose it."

"Me too, but giving something up will sometimes bring something better, didn't your Mom say that?"

"No, it was Dad," she answered, "And I don't remember where he got it from, I'd just hate to see our heritage lost."

"By the way, I heard what happened to you I'm sorry," said Jamie, "you had a miscarriage but I hope you try again. It would be nice to have another baby in the family."

"How's Monica doing? That must have been awful, losing a baby when she was eight months along. I'm so sorry they couldn't save it."

"She's struggling, but she was happy to hear you were coming. The two of you can commiserate and support each other. She and Kayce got their place, I think it's helped."

"Yes, I'm sure it did." Monica had never been happy living in "the lodge". It shouldn't have been that way, but Monica had her reasons. She didn't always agree with her, but she liked her. There was something honest about Monica, you always knew what she thought. Beth, on the other hand, was a snake waiting to strike when you least expected it.

"I'm not going to drop you at the door," Jamie told her as they went up the driveway, "I'd carry your bags, but Beth is gunning for me, and I won't give her the pleasure. She's made me persona non grata in my own home. I've got a place of my own now."

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