Chapter 1

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      Nightkit sprang to her feet as the sun rose. She looked at her mother and littermates before nudging her mother awake, "Mother, it's the day we become apprenticed!" She meowed softly. Her mother stirred, her sleek black fur shimmering in the new daylight. "I know, Nightkit." She groaned. "Wake up your siblings, would you?"

      She obeyed her mother and nudged the rest of her siblings. "We become apprentices today!" She purred. The three of her littermates stared at her groggily before Duskkit stood up and padded over to Nightkit. "Let's go out to see if Saturnstar is awake yet!"

      The two kits raced out of the nursery and into the clearing. The others followed shortly behind. "Saturnstar?" Duskkit yelled for the leader. Nightkit listened for pawsteps but heard none. "Maybe she's still sleeping?" Suggested Flamekit, Nightkit's brother. "Maybe." Agreed Nightkit. Then, Duskkit ran off towards Saturnstar's den. Nightkit sat, watching her sister not trying to stop her.

      While Nightkit waited for Duskkit to come back she looked around the camp. She spotted her mother slowly crawling out of the nursery then approaching the kits. "Where is your sister?" She asked. "She went to get Saturnstar." Nightkit answered. Her mother shook her head with a gleam of humor in her eyes.

      Just as Brackenstorm got herself situated, Duskkit came bounding out of Saturnstar's den. "She's coming!" Duskit purred. She padded over to their other sister, Foxkit and started playing.

      Nightkit stood and bowed her head respectfully as Saturnstar came out of her den. "Hello young kits," She greeted them with a purr. "I hope you are ready to be apprenticed." She looked at them with a gleam in her eyes before walking to the highrock to begin the meeting.

      "Let all cats old enough to climb Suntree gather 'round the SunRock for a clan meeting!" Saturnstar called out. Nightkit watched as cats came pouring in from all different directions. There was murmuring among the cats about what they believed the meeting was about before Saturnstar interrupted them by beginning the meeting. "Today, we will be apprenticing four fine kits." She glanced down at Nightkit and her littermates. "Would those kits please come forward?"

      Nightkit, followed by her siblings, stepped towards the SunRock. She gave a polite bow of her head before looking up at Saturnstar. "These four kits have proven themselves ready to be apprentices. So, from this point forward, "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Flamekit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flamepaw. Hurricanetail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Berrytail, and you have shown yourself to be courageous and brave. You will be the mentor of Flamepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Hurricanetail approached Flamepaw and they touched noses before sitting back down. Saturnstar began again, "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Duskkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Duskpaw. Marseye, you have already proven yourself as a mentor in the past, and you have shown dedication to your Clan and your apprentices. Once again, you are ready to take on the responsibility of mentoring. You will be the mentor of Duskpaw, and I trust that you will guide her with the same wisdom and care you have shown before." The two did the same as Flamepaw and Hurricanetail had. "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Nightkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Nightpaw. Sacredthorn, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Tawnypelt, and you have shown yourself to be wise and bold. You will be the mentor of Nightpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Nightpaw stood and approached her new mentor, touching his nose before sitting back down. Saturnstar began once more, "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Foxkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Foxpaw. Strawberrystep, you have already proven yourself as a mentor in the past, and you have shown dedication to your Clan and your apprentices. Once again, you are ready to take on the responsibility of mentoring. You will be the mentor of Foxpaw, and I trust that you will guide her with the same wisdom and care you have shown before." Nightpaw watched as her sister performed the same ritual before looking at all of her siblings proudly. "Clan dismissed!" Saturnstar called down.

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