Chapter 2

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      Nightkit approached her mentor and purred softly. "What are we doing today?" She asked. Sacredthorn looked down at the apprentice and smiled. "I thought I'd show you around SunClan's territory." SunClan territory, Nightpaw thought, This is awesome! She purred up at the tom before following him out the camp entrance.

      She followed Sacredthorn out into the forest. "Wow, I never thought it would be this big." Nightpaw looked around amazed. "You've never been out have you?" Sacredthorn looked at the apprentice, slight amusement in his eyes. Nightpaw shook her head. "I expected you hadn't with Brackenstorm as your mother. She's been overprotective of her kits ever since her first litter passed." Nightpaw looked at him, cocking her head. "She had another litter?" Sacredthorn looked down on her, a tinge of sadness in his voice when he spoke, "Yes, they went out to stretch their legs once, Brackenstorm closed her eyes for a split second and they were gone. Koistep and a border patrol later found their bodies near a badger den." Nightpaw looked down, "That's sad." Sacredthorn nodded his agreement.

      They sat in silence for a little while longer before Sacredthorn spoke, "Let's go on now, shall we?" Nightpaw nodded and they set off into the forest. "First, I'm going to show you SunTree." Sacredthorn looked over his shoulder to make sure Nightpaw was keeping up. "Where is SunTree?" She asked. "Just around the corner here."

      Sacredthorn stopped and pointed at a tall tree with his muzzle. "This is SunTree." Nightpaw looked up, straining her neck. "Wow..." She had never seen anything so tall before. "This is where our ancestors, who lived here before our clans, used to keep prisoners." Sacredthorn looked at the apprentice. "Can you tell me about our ancestors?" Nightpaw looked at him pleadingly. "I suppose."

      Sacredthorn led her over to sit under the tree. "Our ancestors, ThunderClan, used to live in these parts of the forest. This here tree is where they kept their prisoners. The prisoners that they couldn't trust, that is. Such as rogues that were once leaders." Sacredthorn told her. Nightpaw looked at him. "Who was the rogue?" She asked. "Brokentail." He looked back at her. "That doesn't sound like a leader's name!" She looked confused. "Well, whenever he was blinded by ThunderClan's medicine cat, Yellowfang, Bluestar, their leader, announced him Brokentail instead of Brokenstar." Nightpaw thought about this. "Why wasn't he the leader?" "That's a story for another time, come on, I'll show you the rest of the territory now."

      He stood, waiting for Nightpaw to stand as well. She did, then followed him towards large rocks. "These are the Adderrocks," Meowed the tom. "Why are they called Adderrocks?" Asked Nightpaw. "They are infested with Adders, only one cat was brave enough to hunt there, back when ThunderClan was around." Sacredthorn informed her. She thought about this before telling him to take her someplace new.

      Nightpaw bounded after Sacredthorn making sure not to lose sight of him. After what seemed like two-hundred fox-lengths they arrived at a long black slab in the middle of the forest. "This is Thunderpath." Sacredthorn said. "There are large, loud, smelly, moving things called Monsters that travel fast across this. Many cats have been injured or killed here. I'll train you to go across soon. The other side is the ForestClan camp." Nightpaw nodded, taking in the information, she noticed that it was already Sunhigh.

      Sacredthorn led her away from Thunderpath and towards more rocks, these bordered a river unlike Adderrocks and had a nice patch of sun on them. "What are these rocks?" Nightpaw asked. "These are Sunningrocks. If you can't tell, they belong to us. Hence the name Sunningrocks, or just the fact that cats sun on them."

      Sacredthorn finished showing Nightpaw around by sundown. He raced her back to camp. Nightpaw wasn't very happy when he beat her by a fox-length though.

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