Chapter 7

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      "You did what?" Asked Nightpaw. Tuxedopelt just shrugged. "I did what my intrusive thoughts told me to." "Does Saturnstar know?" Asked Nightpaw. "Almost all cats in the clan but your littermates and the kits do." Answered Tuxedopelt. "That's horrible!" Exclaimed Nightpaw. Tuxedopelt shrugged, "Go tell Saturnstar you're done already."

      Nightpaw bounded to the clearing. "Saturnstar?" She called. "Yes?" Replied Saturnstar's voice from overhead. "I finished cleaning and I listened to Tuxedopelt tell a story." Nightpaw called up to her. "You have earned the rest of the day off. You may go." Saturnstar called. Nightpaw bowed her head in respect and called, "Thank you!" Saturnstar nodded.

       Nightpaw bounded towards the apprentices' den to see if anyone was done with training. No one was there and Nightpaw was still interested in the way Lionpelt had said Koistep's name when speaking to her about him. So, she set off to find the deputy.

       She began by looking in the medicine den, and sure enough, he was there, sharing tongues with Oceanpool. "Koistep! Oceanpool!" Called Nightpaw bounding in, trying to not seem suspicious. "Hello Nightpaw." Purred Oceanpool. "Hello da- Nightpaw." Meowed Koistep. Nightpaw padded over to the toms. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked weaving around their legs. "The latest, why?" Meowed Koistep. "Just curious!" She purred. "Where's Lionpaw?" She asked Koistep. "He's on a hunting patrol, he'll be back soon." He meowed. "Go on now, your mother, Brackenstorm, requested to see you earlier." Koistep ordered.

      Nightpaw bounded off towards the nursery. She padded towards her mother. "Hello, Nightpaw." Brackenstorm purred. "Hi!" Purred Nightpaw. "There's something I want to tell you, come sit." Nightpaw went towards her mother, watching Frecklefeather and her newly born kits. "What is it?" Asked Nightpaw sitting down. "You have to keep your voice down, you're the first other than Saturnstar and the other queens to hear about this, and another cat." Brackenstar meowed. "Okay, I will keep my voice down." Whispered Nightpaw. "I'm going to have another litter." Purred Brackenstorm. "Really?" Nightpaw silently shouted. "Really." Brackenstorm gave her daughter a lick between the ears. "Run along now."

      Nightpaw sat there for a moment longer with her jaw dropped before bounding off towards the clearing. Wow, I'm going to be a big sister! Nightpaw thought proudly.

      She spent the rest of the day playing with Lionpaw before there was an apprenticing ceremony.

      "All cats old enough to climb SunTree gather 'round the SunRock for a meeting!" Called Saturnstar. "Today we gather around to apprentice three young kits, Darkkit, Hollowkit, Wolfkit, please step forward." Darkkit and Wolfkit bounded towards the SunRock while Wolfkit followed slowly behind.

      "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Darkkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Darkpaw. Shellheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Deerfoot, and you have shown yourself to be brave and intellegent. You will be the mentor of Darkpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Shellheart nodded then approached her apprentice, nuzzling him like clan tradition. "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Hollowkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hollowpaw. Petaltail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Stormfang, and you have shown yourself to be quick witted and strong. You will be the mentor of Darkpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." The two cats did the same as Darkpaw and Shellheart. "Lastly, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your apprentice name. Wolfkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Wolfpaw. Stormfang, you have already proven yourself as a mentor in the past, and you have shown dedication to your Clan and your apprentices. Once again, you are ready to take on the responsibility of mentoring. You will be the mentor of Wolfpaw, and I trust that you will guide her with the same wisdom and care you have shown before." The two did the same as the others and Saturnstar gazed down upon them with a gleam of pride in her eyes.

      Nightpaw went to the apprentices den and slept until sunup.

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