Chapter 3

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      Nightpaw padded over to the Prey-pile and grabbed a somewhat plump vole and brought it over to the log that apprentices eat at. "Nightpaw! How was your first day?" Asked Duskpaw, eating a sparrow. "Great! Sacredthorn showed me around SunClan territory!" Nightpaw purred, gulping down her vole. "Marseye showed me how to track scents!" Duskpaw sat up straight and looked proud. "You two got good mentors," Began another apprentice approaching them.

      It was a gray tom with blue eyes. "I'm Windpaw." Windpaw purred politely. "Nice to meet you, Windpaw." Night paw nodded to the tom. I think I've seen him around with Tawnypelt. Thought, Nighpaw.

      Windpaw sat next to her, eating a squirrel. "Is your mentor Tawnypelt?" Asked Nightpaw. Windpaw looked at her, "Yes, why?" "I thought I'd seen you with him." Windpaw nodded and finished her squirrel. "I'm going to sleep. All of the nests except for the back two are open. See you at sunup." Windpaw padded into the Apprentice's den, leaving the four littermates alone. "Isn't there another apprentice? Older than us?" Asked Foxpaw. Flamepaw cocked his head. "I think so. He's probably training though." Nightpaw purred her agreement before going into the apprentice's den herself.

      She walked over to a small-ish nest and pawed at it. She laid down before falling asleep.

. . .

      Nightpaw dreamt about chasing a hair through the forest. She'd almost caught it when she blinked and the rabbit was gone. She looked around the SunTree but couldn't find it. She began to set home but tripped and fell onto the rabbit.

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