Chapter 38 | Part 2

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Mariana points to for the right door in a corridor of the hospital, still on the phone.

The difference between this one and the others is flagrant. It's the only door made of light wood, and I'm sure the inside looks a lot better than a normal hospital room too.

I'm about to step towards it when my eyes land on one of the security guards standing in front. I freeze, suddenly uncomfortable. The tall bulky man looking in front of him solemnly, makes a strange feeling twist my stomach. He seems oddly familiar, but the more I reach for the memory, the more unattainable it feels.

I shake out of it after a mere glance, turning back toward Mariana. "Will they let me pass?"

I think so, I actually wouldn't normally ask but I'm not sure who this guy is; this way, the half-second of hesitation only looks like doubt.

She nods, still looking focused on something and obviously caring little. I immediately grab the handle, carefully stepping into the room. It looks gorgeous, and so cozy. You wouldn't guess you were in a hospital if it weren't for the machines.

And the body attached to them.

I rush to the bed, all thoughts of the strange man disappear into thin air. 

"You're such an idiot, I'm so mad at you." I whisper. "How are you? What happened?"

My eyes rake over the bed, taking in every inch of the person I've been longing to hear from for days. He seems neat and tidy even in a hospital bed looking exhausted.

Worry gnaws at my guts. My heart is beating out of my chest in emotion.

"Sunnish." He looks at me with those gray eyes, face softening at my sight. His hand reaches for mine but I discreetly move away.

There is too much pent up frustration in my head, too much emotions to process touch. And I'm very aware of his family in the room, even though they're talking between themselves.

He sets what he was reading on the nightstand and lets his hand fall back down, looking like he wants to reach for my face. He just nods toward the other side of the bed, in a gesture I immediately identify as a command.

I hesitate, not in the mood to obey. He tilts his head to the side to urge me on, but the movement is slow and his eyes tired, like he's half aware.

I sigh. Now is not the time to argue.

As soon as I'm within arm's reach, he grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers, tugging me to the bed and making me sit on the edge. He looks two seconds away from pulling me to him.

"Take off your shoes."

I frown at him, resisting the urge to shift under his unyielding gaze. I don't want to give in. Once again, not because I'm mad at him – he's obviously sick and when I argue with him, he will be well enough to hear all of my arguments and give some back, so he understands.


"It... It's really because you're not feeling well."

He nods, squeezing his eyes shut for a few seconds. "I know."

I reluctantly bend down, untying the laces of my shoes and slipping the sneakers off my feet. The others' conversation quiets down and Tim's father looks like he's about to say something, but Violet beats him to it.

"Guys, I'm not sure it's the best idea right now. Tim needs sleep, his health is on the line, and that will be harder when he's not alone on the single bed."

I freeze. His health is on the line? I look at Tim who slightly rolls his eyes.

"What happened?" I whisper, taking the opportunity to ask. "How long has it been since you last slept?" It must be a lot for it to be a health matter.

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