seventy ・❥・ dead girl walking

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ps. im gonna come back to edit this chapter!



Panic shot through Lola's veins as she flinched away from him, backing herself against the confessional walls. He was standing in front of her, wide eyed, unmoving. She thought it was because he was scared of her- she didn't realise just how unrecognisable she had looked.

Dark hair, frail, drowning in cuts and bruises, hand marks plastered across her neck... Brian's hands balled into fists as he stared at the girl in front of him, the one he could barely recognise. Her blue eyes were what he was clinging onto, the fact that they were still the same despite how different she was.

"Lola," he breathed out whilst reaching out for her.

"No," she hissed, her hand shot out to stop him as she backed herself further into the confessional.

Out of every reaction, her flinching from him was what he least expected. But with parted lips, Lola tried to force something out of her mouth, only for nothing to come out. She'd been gaslit into believing she was crazy for days... Dylan's mouth had been in her ear, taunting her. She didn't know if he was real or a hallucination.

"It's me," he whispered softly. "I found you."

Slowly, someone shifted behind him, and Lola craned her neck to see her brother sadly smiling at her. The two of them were together, standing in front of her whilst she had an explosive tied to her back. Even if he was real, even if he was standing in front of her it didn't matter- she wasnt getting out. And she needed to get them as far away from her as possible.

Carefully, Brian tried to take a step towards her, only for her to flinch further in. "Lola, we're getting you out of here, we're getting you out-"

"Run." She hissed with a shake of her head.

"What, no-"

"Run before we all die."


Lolas pov...

I had to be losing my mind.

I was seeing ghosts- Dom and him. They weren't real, they were a hallucination. I refused to believe they were real and get sucked up in 'hope' only for it to turn to misery. Dyl tried to make me believe I was crazy, maybe he was right, maybe I was.

"Lola," the ghost of my brother muttered.

"No," I snapped whilst taking a step back.

The explosive on my back hummed against my skin, reminding me that the time I had was ticking away. If they were real, they were gonna die. I watched as Dom glanced at him, a knowing look in his eyes.


He nodded at him, and before I had the chance to come up with something, Brian's arms shot out for me. His arm wrapped around my body, hauling me out. And even though my hands shot out to swat him away, the second they touched his skin I clung onto him. I could feel him.

"Lola," he snapped at me whilst twisting me around in his arms to look down at me.

I could feel him, if I was losing my mind- hallucinating, it was a sick joke.

"I'm real."

Then he was a dead man, they both were.

"Leave!" I suddenly hissed whilst trying to rip out of his arms. "Run! get the fuck out of here!"

"Lola what are you-"


Weakly, I clawed at his arms, and finally, he dropped the hold he had on me. Either he finally caught on that something was wrong, or he was afraid of me. Both were the best thing for him, he needed to run- they had to get out before Dylan came back to kill me.

"I have a bomb wrapped around my body, one that's going to go off any minute."

Instead of running as fast as they fucking could, the two idiots were staring at me, jaws on the floor and unmoving. Did they not understand what I just said? That we were all dead.

"So fucking run!"

For a second, everything was still. Dom and Brian were staring at me, the silence was deafening. And then chaos broke out.

Dom whipped around and clocked someone in the face, someone who he had had a death grip on the entire time. As their knees gave in and they folded over at my feet, I realised who Dom was choking.

"How do I get the bomb off of my sister?" He snarled in Bragas face whilst shaking the life out of him.

What the hell? Did Dom have a death wish? Bragas entire calvary was just outside. He was suicidal- beyond fucking stupid if he thought he could get away with pumelling Bragas face in.

"Dom," I choked out whilst reaching for him.

The second I tried to move, everything shifted. My vision went black and his arms were around me.


I wanted to shove him away from me, to stand up and prove that I didn't need his help. But my head was spinning and my traitorous hands clutched onto him instead of shoving him away. I didn't need his help and I didnt want it either- what I actually wanted was for him to get the hell away from me. But both of them were idiots because if they had more than two working brain cells they would have listened to me.

"Dom, we have to get her out of here-"

"No." I strangled out, something was fucking with my head.

I could barely see, barely stand up- it was embarrassing. I had my shit somewhat together before they barrelled in. I wasn't in the best situation, but I wasn't weak.

A shiver shot through my body, making me shudder as my knees gave out. Something was seriously wrong with me- why couldnt I get my crap together?

"Dom," Brian snapped. "We've got to get her out of here."

I weakly shoved at his chest as he held me in his arms. "You're dead if you take me with you."

I could see him through the blurriness and dizziness. He wasn't taking his eyes off of me, he was signing his own death certificate. I was a dead girl walking.

"Well leaving you isn't an option."

Was he stupid? It was his only option. "Yes it is!"

"No the hell it isn't, Lola." He pulled me closer to him, crushing me against him and forcing me to look at him. "You die, I die. It's that damn simple."

What the hell was I supposed to say back to that? Anything I would say would come out cruel because I wanted him to leave me. There was no way out of the hell I had gotten myself into. Braga would never let me go willingly and I refused to live in paranoia, looking over my shoulder every fucking second scared he would come after me.

Silently, I glared at the idiot holding me. If he had any common sense he'd just leave me.

"Pack it in." He warned with a shake of his head.

"I didn't say anything." I threw back before ripping my eyes off of him to glance at Dom who was still beating Braga.

It was then that I noticed the two pools of blood, both streaming into each other. I knew my brother was an idiot, but when I glanced to the side at the dead priest lying limpsy against the other side of the confessional, my jaw dropped. What he was thinking I didn't know- the man didn't do anything wrong.

"Dom," I hissed with a shake of my head. "You- why..."

"He wasn't a good person, Lola." Brian answered, but I wasn't paying him any attention, I was waiting for my brother to answer me.

Instead he dragged Braga off of the floor and started dragging him out of the church. "Come on, let's go."

And stupidly, Brian followed after him with me in his arms and a bomb wrapped around my body.




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