seventy one - motion sickness

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Lolas pov...

"Lola," Dom snapped at me. "Keep the damn wheel straight-"

"I'm trying!"

My fingers tightened around the wheel as I tried to drive as fast as I could. But with Dom breathing down my neck and the tingling on my back from the bomb- I was a wreck.

I barely got us to the desert in one piece, I could barely keep my eyes on the damn road. Dom's hands yanked me back to an angle, and I bit down the scream that was crawling up my throat. I was following Brian's lead, speeding behind him whilst he had Braga tied up in his car. But I was a ball of paranoia, constantly looking out my window- waiting for them to realise.

I shouldn't have been driving, hell- even I could admit that and I loved to drive. But with the bomb around my body I didn't have much of a choice.

"Fuck, what the hell are these wires for now..." Dom groaned whilst trying to untangle the thing from my body.

The idiot tried to rip it off at first, clearly he had no idea what the hell he was doing- I had no faith in him. We were both going to die.

"Dom," I hissed as a shiver shot through my body.

My hands wouldn't stop shaking, no matter how hard I gripped the steering wheel. We were near the tunnels, how the hell we managed to pull this shit off I didn't know. But I wasn't stupid enough to think we were going to make it.


"Let me get out, please." I snapped through clenched teeth whilst trying to ignore the fact that I was panicking- I never panicked.


"Dom- we're both going to die!" Why couldn't he see that?

I quickly glanced at him to find him already staring at me with a knowing look in his eyes. He was so damn suicidal.

"Then we'll die together."

For a second, I couldn't look away. He looked so sure, like he knew he was right. But my brother had always had a stupidly big ego- and once again he was wrong. I didn't want him to be, but I knew I was right.

With a shake of my head, I forced my eyes back onto the road. I didn't have the energy to argue with him anymore, I didn't have the energy to do anything. I was tired, and every ounce of energy I did have was going into speeding through the desert.

"Damn it..." He groaned.


"Nothing- Lola, slam your foot down now."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I followed my brother's demand and slammed my foot down, forcing the car to go fast as we sped into the tunnel. I'd always hated Dom's car, hated the way it drove, hated how stupidly big it was...

"LOLA!" He screamed as I swerved through the tunnels.


I could barely fucking focus and him on my ass about it all wasn't helping. I was doing my very fucking best.

"Dom you need to take over-"

"Lola," he warned in a low voice. "I'm getting this off of you." Why did he have to be so stubborn?



"Dom will you just fucking listen to me!" I suddenly screamed at the same time I whacked the side mirror off of the car by swerving slightly too late. "I'm tired."

I hadn't slept in days, hadn't eaten- I was barely functioning and as much as Dom and Brian wanted a good outcome, I knew there wouldn't be one. They wanted it, they were delusional enough to believe it. I was the one being realistic.

"Lola," he whispered.

"No Dom just listen-"


I let my guard down for a second, a second too fucking long.

My hands tightened around the steering wheel, trying to stop what I knew was going to happen. I let my guard down for a fucking second, faltered for a fucking second. The car clipped onto the side and was spinning out of control and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Dom's shitty car threw us about until finally, we slammed against the side and stopped.

"You good?"

There was a bomb wrapped around my body that was about to go off, was he serious?

"Fantastic." I snapped with a roll of my eyes.

"Get out."

I didn't have the energy to run after him but I didn't have the energy to protest either so instead I bit down my tongue and followed after Dom, crawling out of his side of the car. God, I wrecked his car. If he didn't hate me before, he did now.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shut up, I've got to hurry." He suddenly snapped whilst yanking me to the side and frantically ripping the wires off of my body.

Brian was speeding ahead, at least he had the common sense to get very far away from me. Dom was signing his death certificate standing next to me.

I'd given up, why couldn't he?

"Dom! Careful!" I hissed whilst violently shaking.

I could barely stand up, I didn't have the energy anymore. He had to leave me, had to go after Braga and kill the bastard- just like we planned. He should've taken off... Instead he was standing in a tunnel with me whilst I had a ticking tomb bomb on my back. He was ready to recklessly throw everything in and die beside me, and it was the stupidest thing he'd ever done.

He was giving it all up when he had the chance to run... Dom was reckless to a fault. He stole, lied, and was cruel. He robbed the cars, lied to my face, betrayed me over and over again- abandoned me. And yet none of it mattered, none of it was as stupid as what he was doing now.

His hands frantically ripped at the wires, tearing the thing apart. "FUCK!"

"STOP!" I screamed but he wouldn't listen and I couldn't mutter up the energy to turn around and force him to.

He didn't know what he was doing, and we both knew time was running out, we both knew I was about to die.

The sudden roar of an engine made my skin crawl because I knew who it was. And I knew Dom knew who it was too, but he wasn't stopping and they were right behind us.

"DOM!" I screamed at the same time I felt him ripped away from me and felt the barrel of a gun pressed against my head.


I HATE THIS CHAPTER. But here we go. 

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