Chapter 2: The village begins to grow!

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Nim woke up,feeling happy,looking outside to her amazing village,the one that she and the cute skeleton made,

"*Sigh*Just look at it,my wonderful home.."

Darly spawned behind her and gave Nim a soft kiss on the neck

"So,you made a town?"

Darly said while looking at the homes and other buildings

"Yes,with the help of a skeleton,he is pretty short,thought he was a dwarf at first -"


Darly yelled pretty loud,his voice is VERY loud when he yelled,he would've broken the sound barrier if the scream was recorded,he didn't want to be loud,but he was :)


Nim looked very quickly,and saw....There were people living in the village like Nim was promised!

Nim's face was BEAMING!She finally wasn't alone with plains of grass!

Nim let go of Darly's embrace and ran downstairs,and out the door

The villagers saw her happily run out. Everyone was confused...

But they realized that she wasn't like them,she resembled the apple tree that was in front of the house

"Hello,my habitants,my name is Nim,the one who made this world for you!"

They were doubtful about it,she did look like a goddess of nature,but really???

Nim cleared her throat and pointed to the sign,

Villagers read it and saw that it was really her who created everything,they were all cheering and applauding Nim,

Nim was happy, of course,but she needed to stay formal


Ink was in the void as usual in the dollhouse!He loved it inside there the moment he got in,he loved hanging out with Circut and reading Yaoi books with Proferror,hell,maybe even Yuri if they feel extra freaky~

"Man,Error,you've got some amazing friends!!"

"Yeah,I do.."

Ink looked at Error

"Speaking of,where is Fresh?Reaper?Or Geno?Don't they also come here often?"

( Reaper:Created by Ren )
( Geno:Created by Crayon Queen )
( Fresh:Created by Crayon Queen )

"They still come around sometimes Ink,you gotta stop worrying so much,just be calm like the waves.~"

Error held up one of his legs again

"Right,I forgot they were still here,y'know?If they showed up now but didn't show up a second later,I would think they haven't been here for hours!"

Error put a leg down and held up the other,

"Ink,your time in the void is up.Gotta check up on Au's.I need to destroy them,remember?~"


Ink grabbed Broomie and ran out of the void

Ink looked at all the au's in the Doodlesphere. He couldn't see all of them at once, but golly the space HUUUUUGE!! It's grown a lot ever since UnderTale was created..

But Ink was patrolling from Au to Au, and he made sure that all of them were okay,but there were some that needed deletion,so he called Error to them..

(( But what if there are monsters who aren't infected?Like,their coding isn't damaged?Well,Ink takes them to a certain hub area where other people who have had troublesome lives live,like their au was bad so now they have to live there for their own good,think of the Omega timeline from that Underverse series made by Jakei ))

Ink stopped dead at DreamTale and decided to take a peek inside,

Ink smiled at Nim, being celebrated by the villagers. He wasn't happy for her,though..

"Those people will most definitely end up going against her.."

Ink whispered and closed the portal of DreamTale and went to patrol another au,and sooner later,call Error to a corrupted au,and so on,so fourth


Nim was so happy,she darted inside of her home happier than ever!So happy she was capable of growing fruits!She grew two apples,very convenient


Nim said while running up the stairs,dangerous,but the woman was so happy she couldn't care about her safety!


Darly said,trying not to scream so loudly,

"Oh,it's amazing!These people love me,I think I might become the mayor of this village!!!

Darly looked at Nim,

"Uhm,what will you name it,darling??"

Nim stopped dead real quick...

She thought for a second... Why not combine her name with Darly's?


Nim whispered..


Darly asked,

"Dim!The village name could be Dim!"

Darly stared at Nim in confusion,but if he didn't approve of it,then the name would've been Narly.. which sounds like gnarly,which sounds gross,so he didn't budge and just went with it,


Darly was being a king as usual,performing his daily tasks!Which include: sitting on a throne and doing nothing and having servants baby you all the time...

Darly was in his own mind,he was worried about Nim,she's growing old...VERY old as a matter of fact!

Her bark is getting crusty,her roots curling in,her twigs cracking,and the leaves drying and cracking up....


Darly sighed...

His mind was full of so many negative feelings,he wanted to care for Nim as much as she cares for him!But how can he do that when she's too happy to acknowledge his care!?!

Darly didn't like thinking that Nim was in danger,he didn't like thinking that their relationship was in danger. He needed to do something, but he just didn't know what!

"Ahh -"

Darly quickly rose from his throne because of a leg cramp,those things are the worst!!!


Nim lay in bed,she was still very happy about earlier,she couldn't wait for the real announcement that Nim was town mayor in Dimville..

But she began to have a sharp pain in one of her twigs,it felt snappy,

Like all cracked and weak,

Nim was crying,crying HARD, and this pain hurt her a bit TOO much!

Nim tried to look at what was happening,and of course, another twig she grew was breaking off

It was peeling,revealing the inside of her tree...."Flesh"???....underneath...

This lasted for a while,Nim being in serious pain and crying a lot,



The twig broke off,

Nim sighed of relief. She was okay now,but she feared that this won't be the last twig breaking,she's had this experience a lot!

Nim watched as the broken twig darkened and curled up,and then golden dust slowly shimmered around it until it was gone....

"This has happened for far too long,I feel like transmitting positive and negative feelings will be difficult...."

Nim was sure that she needed more help,but she didn't know how to get help yet...


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