Chapter Three

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Standing before Wyatt was their team captain and a boy who could easily make heads turn, male or female. Tall and devilishly handsome, Sebastian Beaumont was also known for having a different girl under his arm for a week tops–girls whom Sebastian had slept with would proudly share to the whole school that he had been in their bed. For them, having sex with Sebastian was like a prize; a prize that they should be proud of that one of the most popular and handsome boys in school wasted their time with them and used each other for a one-night stand.

So, obviously, I was confused as to why he went as far as breaking the double doors down and scaring everyone at the party.

"You heard the girl, Anders. She wasn't asking for it." Sebastian said nonchalantly, his eyes took a quick glance behind Wyatt at me on the floor. Our eyes met for a split second before Wyatt had his attention again.

"This isn't your business, Captain. Don't you have a girl waiting for you upstairs? What's the sluts' name again?" Wyatt snapped as he gestured as though he was really trying to recall a name.

As I peeked past Wyatt's shoulder, my eyes widened to see that Sebastian had his hand outstretched towards me. I wasn't sure whether or not I should go with him or make a run for it outside the room.

"Her name is Summer DeLacor, Wyatt." My heart dropped. "I was looking all over for her until I heard her screaming in this room, crying for help. Explain to me how my date ended up in a locked room with you crying out for help. Don't tell me you're into raping girls that know how to say no to you?"

A few murmurs could be heard from the crowd outside witnessing the scene before them. I could make out a few cameras not so subtly poking out, some with flashes, trying to record everything. By tomorrow, this would be big news; two of the best players on the football team were caught fighting over a girl.

My thoughts were cut short when Sebastian's sharp eyes looked at mine. "Summer, it's time to go home."

It took me a second to process his words as Wyatt turned to look at me with frustration in his eyes, his mouth twitching to say something but decided against it. He brushed past Wyatt, removed his varsity jacket and knelt down before me. Placing the jacket over my shoulder, he lifted me onto my feet. Gently pulling my head into his chest he covered my face with his jacket. Together, we walked out of the room and out of the house easily as people quickly made way for us as Sebastian led the way. It seemed that no one would dare get in his way.

Sebastian kept me close to his chest until we reached his car. He smelled of fresh Mahogany teakwood that had been lit ablaze. I watched as he unlocked the car door with a simple click of the key fob. opening the door for me in complete silence. I wasn't sure he even heard my "thank you" as I climbed inside and closed the door next to me, watching as he made his way to the driver's seat and started the engine.

I couldn't find the courage to speak as we drove away from the neighborhood, the main road looked deserted considering it was already past midnight. It had been almost ten minutes of silence as we continued to drive down the peaceful road with the radio faintly playing The 1975. I watched the tree zoom by from the passenger window.

"Did he hurt you?"

I almost flinched at the sudden sound. I glanced over at him and his eyes were locked on the road, back leaning against his seat in a tense manner; his one hand was on the steering wheel and the other was on the gear. I took notice of the veins that ran up his arms. I swear I could sense the blood rushing through them.

"No, he didn't. He was just really strong when he kept me pinned to the couch." I replied quietly. I held up my wrists and checked for good measure. I sighed. "Yep, no bruises or anything."


I took it as a sign to continue our talk. "Thank you, by the way, for saving me back there. I was afraid no one could hear me over the music outside."

"How naive are you that you would easily go in an empty room with a guy like Wyatt Anders?" He suddenly asked, which immediately caught me off-guard.

I remained silent.

He continued, "What were you thinking?? Wyatt is known to take advantage of innocent girls like you. What if he really forced you to do something against your will and I hadn't made it to you in time?"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, shame looming over me as he glanced at me with a frown before his eyes returned to the road. I suddenly felt gross; just minutes ago I was touched by a pervert, a boy whom I've had a crush on for years. He took advantage of my feelings for him. Now that the adrenaline had finally subsided, I felt even worse.

"You're meant for someone else."

The sudden declaration confused me as I looked up at him with wide eyes. I'm meant for some else. Did he mean himself? He didn't spare me another glance as he stepped on the pedal increasing the car's speed, down the road leading into the towering woods.

"What?" I asked as the car suddenly came to a slow down.

He pulled over off to the side of the road as we reached the depths of the woods. The road outside was dark with no lamp posts; the nearest source of light was only the moon above. This was typical for River Ridge. The small town was more interested in putting money into hunting season than proper road lights.

"I've been watching you, Summer DeLacor." He began as he killed the engine and turned to face me. Despite the lack of light, I could make out his pale features as if his skin gleamed in the dark. His eyes were a dark shade of amber, strands of his strawberry blond hair fell to his forehead. His lips were thin and pink. A wetness coated them as his tongue swept across his lips as he hand combed the fallen hair strands back, away from his face.

I couldn't say anything. I was too stunned. I began to grow weary of Sebastian's kind gesture. Did he just save me back there so he could take me for himself?

He moved in closer to me, palming my cheek with his right hand. His lips nearly touched my right ear. "You don't know how much you mean to me, to us..." He whispered as he dipped his head lower, lips just hovering against my ear. His warm breath prickled the shell of my ear and I could feel goosebumps form on the back of my neck and arms. Still, his words confused me; what did he mean by us?

"What is happening?" I asked as I screwed my eyes shut, my breathing becoming ragged as my heart continued to hammer against my chest. "What are you doing to me?"

"I know you are confused, but you'll know soon. You will just have to trust me."

I couldn't help the whimper that left my lips. I could feel my body heating up. I was nervous. My stomach flipped and my blood was pumping frantically. I could sense the blood pumping from my heart, rushing through the veins in my body. I was lost and confused.

"Answer me." He added when he received no response from me.

"Y-Yes, I trust you," I whispered back.

He sniffed loudly and deeply before letting out an approving hum. His nose ghosted my neck, as his cold skin touched mine in a soft manner.

I placed my hands firmly on his cold hard chest dropping my chin to my chest. "Don't!" I pushed slightly to encourage him to back away. Sebastian was attractive. However, I just didn't feel that way about him. His body stiffened with my touch. He slowly retreated back to the driver seat.

"I'm sorry." He shamefully whispered.

Our moment was cut short when a loud thud came from the roof of the car making it shake on impact. It was as if something landed on top.

Or someone.

**New chapter every Sunday.** 

Vampire Brothers Book One SumvitanaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang