Chapter Four

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"Stay here," Sebastian told me.

I found myself unable to move. My heart continued to hammer against my chest harshly. The fact that we were in the middle of an empty road surrounded by the dark woods. It's a rabid bear, I just know it. I say to myself. Reports have shared often of people in town getting attacked while out in or near the woods at night. The town folks had believed it was a rabid bear due to the mangled corpse of the remains. I can't believe I was about to be some bear's dinner tonight. As much as I love horror films I have no interest in starring in one myself.

The door of the car slammed shut as Sebastian exited. I watched him best I could through the car windows. My visibility became limited due to my heavy breathing fogging the windows. My eyes were glued on the blurry frame of Sebastian as he roamed around the car gaping at whatever was on the roof. I strained my neck attempting to get a better look. Curiosity and fear began to get the best of me.

"What is it?" I try to yell out to Sebastian but it's like a frog is stuck in my throat. Only a hoarse whimper leaves my mouth .My knuckles grow pale as I grip my seat belt tightly. My nails dig into the palms of my hands. If I squeezed any harder I would break skin.

Heavy steps trudge across the rooftop. I gasp and quiver. All I could think about was a rabid bear taking a stroll on our roof top in search of food.

"Get down, now!" I hear Sebastian's deep voice bellow.

"It's a bear! It's a freaking rabid bear. Get in the car now Sebastian!" I cry out. I rummage through the crevices of the car searching for a weapon. The best I could find was a ballpoint pen. I pop the cap off and secure the pen to my chest in the best defensive stance I could muster. .

"Sebastian! Get back in the car!" I cry out once more.

Suddenly I hear a whoosh and through the back driver window I see Sebastian go airborne. His legs fly up across the window onto the roof with what I am now sure of is a rabid bear. I lose all sense.

"IT'S GOT SEBASTIAN!!!" I shriek.

Frantically I attempt to reach across to the driver seat and lock the car doors. The buckled seat belt whips me back into the passenger seat. My hand tremble uncontrollably as I attempt to hastily unfasten the belt. I jam my forefinger into the buckle and my snaps in half on contact.

"Aah" I howl.

The buckle pops loose and I leap over to the driver seat. My knee bags the seat divider and my forehead plants into the window. I pounded my entire hand on the lock button causing all the doors to simultaneously unlock.

"shit shit shit"

Jamming the broken nail finger into the lock button in unison the locks click. Impetuously I retrieve my pen from the cup holder it had landed in while I MacGyvered to the driver seat. I crouch down pressing my back firmly into the seat. My breath plunged and retreated up the window with every frantic breath I took. I strained my eyes peering into the fathomless void of the night and saw nothing.

"Sebastian." I whisper yell. Not wanting the bear to hear me and realize someone was still in the car.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hear an angry shout come from above my head.

My eyes shoot to the interior roof of the car. My glare is so intense I could have probably burned a hole through the roof. My heart almost leapt out of my throat when the bear clutching Sebastian in his paws dropped to the ground, next to the passenger seat.

No, wait. I blink my eyes hard trying to clear my vision. That is not a bear. It's. It's a man.

His tall and slender body obscures my view of an angry Sebastian. Despite his back on me, I could make out the pale skin on his exposed neck and toned arms with cinnamon dusted dreaded hair pulled back into a sleek man bun. I blinked in disbelief.

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