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Aashu left the room and Nishchay followed him. They both entered their personal Gym and Aashu started punching the punching bag.

Nischay didn't hold him back so that his brother could get his emotions out.
"We failed her" Aashu said in a cracking voice while thrashing the punching bag.
"Shh, She is okay" His brother Nishchay assured him.
"We promised dad and now I can't even look in his eyes, My little princess not only cried but also hurt herself and none of us was there for her"Aashu uttered.

" It's okay, we will talk to her and will make everything alright "Nishchay assured.
" What can we do bhaiya, dadi never understands her and always taunts her. I
Swear if it would be someone else then they would not be alive by now. " Ashu exclaimed.
" I know Aashu and everyone else also knows what you are capable of but this is not the solution. I have a plan and I'll make sure that princess never cries because of her. "NISHCHAY YADAV replied with a smirk.

I was sitting beside my daughter and was caressing her head. No one can understand what I am feeling right now. My princess, my little one cried alone and hurt herself because of my own mother.
I have never let a tear escape her eyes and today she cried alone. None of us was there for her.
Her dadda, her superhero couldn't save her.
No one knows how much my daughter means to me. In this ruthless mansion, she is the sunshine of happiness in our lives. Only I know how much it took me to ensure this delicate flower's safety from others but now my own family, my own mother hurt her.
I am so helpless at this point but I won't let anyone hurt her now not even my own family.
I want my daughter to have high standards. I want her to know how she should be treated by men.
She is the princess of her father and one day she'll grow up to be a beautiful queen.

With these thoughts I was caressing my little one's head but then I felt her waking up and immediately hugged her.
She looked shocked but immediately hugged me back and started crying in my embrace.
It broke my heart but I let her cry so she could get all of that out.
"Dadaa I am a mannerless girl who doesn't deserve you", She said in between her sobs but it stabbed my heart.
" Shh, princess never say this. You mean the world to me and trust me you are the best daughter ever. "I replied gently stroking her hair.
I whispered sweet words into her ear in order to calm her down.
She calmed down after a few minutes. I gently picked her up and started moving towards the theater room in order to cheer her up.
We watched her favourite movies with her sitting on my lap and enjoying her snacks forgetting about the world.
My innocent little one then fell asleep on me and I cradled her into my arms and took her to my room. We three (me , my wife and our princess) fell asleep cuddling each other.

Whole day both the brothers could not face their princess. They both busied themselves in their own works.
It was finally morning and one by one everyone woke up.
Both brothers and their father was found in the Gym room doing their respective work outs.
Their father didn't utter a word because he knew his sons were already guilty but them he heard a soft voice.
"Dad"ASHISH YADAV uttered in soft voice.
His father immediately knew his son needed a hug.
Maybe he is a little strict towards the brother duo but after all they are his own kids. He can't see them crying.
He immediately embraced his son while NISHCHAY YADAY stood emotionless witnessing the sweet moment.

NISHAN YADAV know his children. He knew his eldest also needed a hug and he immediately asked him to join them.
As always obeying his father NISHCHAY YADAV joined the hug.

It was such a sweet moment between father and son right?
Did you like the story or if you have any suggestions feel free to comment. I will for sure pay heed to your opinions.

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