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After all the planning, We started moving towards YADAV MANSION.
I was in my car which is G-wagon and Aashu and that cold monster were in their own Rolls royce while Shivu was handling the office.

I don't know why but I really wanted to have a car race with that cold monster so I sped up my car.

As we left her office , I expected her to sit in my car and let me open the door for her like a gentleman but as always breaking my expectations she sat in her own car and left. Woahhh!!! She has some guts.
Me ans Aashu also sat in our cars and started moving towards YADAV MANSION.

In the middle of way...... My soon to be wife sped up her car and I know her intentions very well.
This girll ,can't behave like a girl for once!!!! Can't she care for herself!!!!! After marriage I also have to take extra care of her or else someday we will both meet in heaven...... She really doesn't use her brain. What if she gets hurt..... No, no I have to protect her.

I saw my brother also started racing with her..... These kids.... Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

Well, I couldn't do anything the whole way rather than following her and as we reached I could see a small smile of victory forming on her lips but she immediately hid it and went inside the Mansion.
Did she forget her husband or what??
Me and Aashu also started following her, catching up to her pace..... But what shocked me was her emotionless face having a big smile.

As soon as she entered the mansion, she started shouting, "Mumma, I am hungry, where are you?"
Is she here to eat? And what the hell!!! She is calling my mumma as her mumma.

Shouldn't she behave like a polite girl she is standing in her in laws house that too before marriage.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Dad coming , as soon as he came SHREYA jumped on him, hugging him like koala.
What the hellllll!!!!! He is my father, he'll eat her alive.
She exclaimed still hugging him"PAPA I missed you a lot", she said in gloomy voice.
What shocked me more was papa hugging her back, patting her head and said"It's okay bacha, I missed you too", He said in soft tone.

Mannnn!!!!! I knew they had a great bond but this much I never knew about it. My father, the coldest person is hugging her and talking to her in soft voice. Does she know black magic or what?

Her duality is no joke.

I could see Bhaiya's eyes bulging out of it's socket as he looked at bhabhi and dad hugging.
He didn't know how Bhabhi bonded with everyone in the family.
She is just like a baby to us except for him but I am sure this dual couple will surely form a great bond.
My chain of thoughts broke when Maa entered and bhabhi ran to hug her.
"Maa, I am hungry. " She exclaimed but

Maa held her ears saying, "You came now after so many months, don't you miss your mother?, see how thin you have got", She said with an fake angry and Bhabhi immediately defended herself saying" Maa you know those useless people don't do anything, I have to do all the work now please forgive me and give me the taste of you magical food ", maa hummed and sarted rubbing her ears.

This time I was controlling my laughter looking at bhaiya who was so shocked of Bhabhi's duality and her bond with Mumma.

Mumma went to make something for bhabhi while she went towards Princesses room and me and bhaiya followed.

She knocked on the door saying that Princess it's your Bhabhi and Princess immediately opened the door for her jumping on her like a baby.

I knew both Aashu bhaiyu and Nishi bhaiya were guilty but I am not planning to forgive them any soon. I know they are planning something.
I was thinking all of this just then I heard a knock on the door with Bhabhi's voice saying Princess it's me and I ran to open the door and jumped in her arms.

She immediately hugged me back and started caressing my hairs but to disturbing our sweet moment , I heard a cold voice saying "Princess, you could have fallen", It was Nishi bhaiya.
I wanted to ignore him but said in angry voice" I trust her to hold me and I know she'll never let me fall. "
I could see my brothers expression changing . I could see the guilt in their eyes.
But Bhabhi brought my back from my world by saying "Princess see, we are twinning. " She showed me her bandaged hand and I shouted"Bhabhi you got hurt", Aashu bhaiyu convered his ears and I made an angry pout.

She explained me how she got hurt because of her anger and said that we should control our anger. I knew it wasn't about her wound but mine. I understood and also promised her to never hurt myself intentionally.
Because of her I allowed both of my not so good brothers to enter in my room.
Bhabhi also told me that we are going out and I asked her where ignoring my brothers but she said it is a surprise.

I have some ideas regarding the plan so I'll make the next part sooner and this update is for my loyal readers who really wait for my update. Thank you so much to all of you

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