Chapter 2: Seeing Things

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"No fucking way!" Oliver yells when Jenny spills what my plans are for tonight the second he arrives at her house.

I turn to my so-called best friend. "Thank you so much, Jenifer."

Her hands fly up in defence as she backs away from me. "I had to tell someone. That big of a step can't go unheard of by the rest of the group."

If I didn't love her I swear she would have to fight me.

"Sure. Believe all you want." I roll my eyes, returning to the task of locking any meaningful or expensive decorations in her house into the cabinets. For safety reasons. I've done it before so I know exactly which pieces cost a sum and which are from a secondhand store.

Not many of them were.

Cups are scattered in piles all over the house so everyone can find them with ease. The drinks are sitting on top of the kitchen island but we don't know how many people will actually turn up. Some have sent feedback to let Jenny know whether they can make it or not, but some people just don't reply so she decided to buy a lot of alcohol. If those drinks are emptied before everyone gets one, they'll have to settle for tap water. You snooze, you lose.

"Spit it out, Tomko," Oliver pushes the subject further, forcing me to sit on the couch. He then squats in front of me on the Bennet's coffee table with his elbows on his knees so he's in my face. "You have to tell me every detail now. I can't settle for knowing the basics of your plan to hook up with someone."

I choke on my own spit. "I'm not planning on hooking up with anyone. How did that idea even come to your twisted mind that I would ever do something like that the first time I decide to talk to someone? Just because you like to stick your body parts into every girl that flirts with you doesn't mean we all want to do the same," I spit out. Just the idea of me getting intimate with a girl during the same night I meet her makes me nauseous. It takes time to build a connection and even then the person can lose interest as I have found out by sticking a hand into a fire and pulling away with a burn.

Hook ups are not my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boat.

"Don't shame me for having sex. I like loving girls, they love loving me and being loved by me for a certain time. It's beneficial and I am careful, if you know what I mean." He smirks, looking pleased with himself.

"Do you ever remember that you are only seventeen and have a bodycount most people don't reach during their life?" I can't recall how many times he shared his experience with us during his time with one girl. Thankfully not in great detail, but we knew enough.

"Eleven is not that much." He blushes and palms the back of his neck.

My eyes widen. More girls have fallen under his spell since he last told us about a girl. "Eleven! At only seventeen and in less than a year? I would say that is quite a large number, considering you are already in double digits."

"Do you want to hear how behind I am compared to my teammates? Some jocks play around left and right without a care of the people's feelings. I am a saint and I want to keep it that way."

If ten is a saint, I can't imagine how high the numbers are for his teammates. The wonders of the young of today.

"I'm good with staying in the darkness. Thanks." The corners of my mouth curl down. "Although, it makes a girl curious. Has anyone reached fifty or more?"

His eyebrows scrunch. "That's one of the low of the high counts, Tomko. The highest number would take your breath away. The guys brag and make everyone uncomfortable in the locker room."

I'm all for owning your sexuality but we're teenagers. Sex still shouldn't be the center of our universe and it definitely should not be about who collects the most numbers. We're still kids. There's enough time for sex, sex that's not about numbers, in the future when it's the only thing that could give us joy. Unless someone has the perfect job for them, I don't think many adults are fully satisfied.

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