Chapter 3: The Same Level

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The two faces come apart when they hear the silent gasp that escapes me, wide eyes snapping to me.

Meanwhile, I am standing in the doorway with my hand still on the knob, staring at them as if they were aliens.

Josie with a girl?

My senses come back to me soon after we spend several more seconds in a dead silent room. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt or anything. I was just looking for a quiet place and Jenny has her room locked so I tried yours and…I didn't think you- you were- that you-"

Josephine closes her eyes, taking a deep breath in. I take it as a signal to shut up and go to close the door before her voice stops me in my tracks.

"You can go, Mads. I'm not feeling it right now," she tells the girl, tapping her on the hips.

Mads, whatever that was short for, climbs off of her and picks up her purse from beside the bed. "It's alright. Just wanted to see you anyway," she breathes out and straightens out her skirt, side-stepping my still frozen frame. "Have fun, girls!"

Her hand brushes against my cheek on her way out as she gives me a wink before she walks down the hall, leaving me standing there with my back straight, still holding the knob in a death grip as my mind drives faster than F1 cars.

"Will you close the door, Esther?" Josie's voice cuts into my thoughts. When I try to step out, she clears her throat and keeps silent until I turn to face her. "I mean close the door after you step in. If I didn't want to talk to you, I wouldn't have sent Maddie away."

An awkward chuckle sounds through the room and I only understand it is me who made that sound when Josie raises her eyebrows, her eyes flicking between the door and me.

"Yeah. Sure. Okay. Wonderful." I nod, masking my nerves behind a cough. "I'll do just that," the door clicks shut, "now."

I don't move from my spot.

How can I when I just caught the girl I have been obsessed with since freshman year, a girl I thought to be straight and only into guys in our grade, making out with a girl. One of her teammates at that. I've seen enough pictures of the two of them on Josie's instagram. But I was always under the impression that they were best friends. Just like Jenny and I are.

Apparently, I was very wrong to assume that. The scene I walked in on wasn't friendly. Not even a little bit.

"Do you want to sit down? Or will you stand there for eternity? Are nails hammered in your feet that you can't move?" She laughs, leaning back on her palms.

"I don't have nails-" finishing that sentence is useless because when I try to move my feet, I can't.

Take a deep breath, Esther. Just take a deep breath.

Without another word, I cross the room to her desk and pull out her chair. It takes me three tries to find a seating position where I don't feel the need to fidget.

My mouth is dry, but I take the lead in the conversation. "What did you want to talk to me about, Josephine?" That question comes out more on the business note than talking to the sister of your best friend.

Sister I just witnessed making out-

I need to stop. My mind needs to stop going in circles for a moment because I can't even look at her properly.

"Is what happened just minutes ago not enough for me to have a chat with you? I think it is well past enough. Perhaps too much, don't you think?" There's a teasing tone in her voice. Like she's setting me up to something.

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