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Lando Norris: the boy with the mocha curls, the twinkling eyes, and the radiant smile. 

Maya stares at me in shock as I stare at him, "Maya, I didn't even know."

She grabs my hands in hers, "Ry, this is the cherry on top this entire weekend," She pauses, "We need to get you his number." 

My first-ever Formula 1 race was an entire blur. Between Maya scheming to get Lando's number and me thrown off guard by the boy, it was hard to focus. But, he won. Lando won his first race. I wonder why I'm excited by this, I didn't even know him. I talked to him briefly and he probably didn't even remember who I was. But, the thought of him still made me smile. 

The boy I barely knew left me utterly enchanted. 

As Maya and I get into the Uber ride to the hotel, she is furiously texting on her phone. She notices me noticing, "I am going to get you that number."

I smile, "Maya, I don't even think it's like that. We barely talked. I didn't even know who he was." 

"Ry, I say this with love and peace, but I don't remember a single thing that happened today other than that. So, to make this entire weekend worth the trip, then I need to get you that number. This is the most exicitng thing in my life currently." she says, jokingly. 

"Other then Jere?"

"Shut up." She laughs.

I stare out the window briefly before asking, "So what are the plans for tonight?" focusing my attention back to her.

She looks up, biting the inside of her cheek, "Well...I'm trying to see if Jere can figure out where Lando will be celebrating tonight. Then I will convince him we need a double date moment."

"Maya, seriously? I don't know him."

"No, not with Lando. Trust me Ry, I have a plan."

Maya and I were very, very, different people. As I have an anxious pit in my chest, I know she is stoked for tonight and whatever events unfold. My mind is racing, anxiously wondering about what I will be wearing tonight, what people I might see, and whatever plan Maya was curating. 

I feel somewhat out of place with the whole sceme. I am just a random girl from a town nobody has ever heard of, how did I get myself into this situation? How can I get out? 

Maya always said I should put myself out there and work on getting out of my comfort zone, I just didn't expect doing it in the middle of Miami. 

When we arrive back at our hotel room, I flop onto my bed and stare at the roof for a moment. 

"You okay? Do you need a hit?" Maya asks, offering me her vape.

I grin, "You know me well enough to not offer me that."

"True," she says before jumping onto my bed next to me. "What's up?" she asks.

"Nothing, I'm excited for tonight." I lie, smiling at her. 


this chapter is honestly boring LOL SORRY!!!! trustttt the next few will be much more exciting (the plot is finally going somewhere other then that hotel room bruh)

anyways, if you have made it this far TYSM FOR READING I LOVE U <333 pls feel free to vote, comment, add to library, follow, whatever u want!!! 

if rlly helps and i appreciate it SO MUCH!

also hoping to touch on who Ry Lee is more in the upcoming chapters so look forward to some character development!! 

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