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Everyone's done preforming me and the rest of the band were hanging out in the green room. Cam said oh! I recorded Raw on here. Let's watch Tiffany. I sat on the couch beside Corky. Cam fast forwarded it to the women's part. Rhea was in the ring with Dom, Finn and Damian. Rhea said I'm Rhea bloody Ripley and nobody can beat me because Mami's always on top. Tiffany's music played. Same said eww this must be conflicting. Because you dump for Rhea too. I said yeah we're not gonna tell Tiffany that. Rhea looked annoyed. Sam said she's such a bitch on TV it's great. Tiffany said excuse me Rhea, it's Tiffy Time. Rhea said oh look Barbie left her Mattel box. Tiffany said rather look like I left a Mattel both the the clearance rack in a spirit Halloween. Corky said ahhh! I love her! Tiffany said you have something that I want. Rhea said I don't know who you think you are interrupting me. I'm your women's world champion so put some respect on my name. I said god she's so fucking hot. Corky said I know. Tiffany said you have to earn my respect and you definitely haven't done that. I said goddamn! Rhea said excuse me I'm a grand slam champion and I've proven over and over again that I'm the best in the women's division. Tiffany rolled her eyes and yawned. Tiffany said has all the black hair dye seeped into your brain? Because girl, you are not the best in the division. Rhea said and you need to be mentally evaluated if you think you are? Tiffany said I know I'm better than you. In fact I know for a fact if we had a title match I could easily snatch that from you. Rhea said that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. I'm not gonna give you a title match. Tiffany said awe is someone scared of Barbie. Cam said she's a literal genius. I said trying to piss her off into a title match and Rhea's a hot head. Rhea said you have to earn it. Tiffany said you wanna know what the difference is between you and me? Rhea said I'm not made of plastic? Tiffany said you walk around here like you're all that. But I come in this ring every night and bust my ass to prove that I'm all that. I said let's fucking go! Rhea said I'm you women's world champion for a reason Tiffany. If you want an opportunity you're gonna have to earn it. Now go to the back of the line where you belong. Tiffany slapped her. Sam said not the cheap shot. Rhea tried to attack Tiffany but Dom, Damian and Finn held her back. Rhea said let me go! Tiffany grabbed the microphone, slid out and said typical Rhea Ripley let her little minions hold her back so she can avoid a fight. Rhea said you want a title match! You got it! See you next week bitch! Tiffany smiled and backed up the ramp. She waved and blew a kiss to them. Rhea looked pissed off. My phone rang it was Tiffany. Vinny said your lady calling? I said everyone shut up. I fixed my hair and answered. (FaceTime)

Me: hey

Tiffany: what's cooking good lookin

Me: just finished watching your promo tonight. You play a bitch really well

Tiffany: thank you, I've been around assholes my whole life. So I base my character off them. But I wish it was better but they gave me a shit script tonight.

Me: that was scripted

Tiffany: most of it was. I really wish they would've let me improvise because I really can't stand Rhea. I know you love her but she just knows how to push all my buttons

Cam: so you legitimately hate her

Me: I'm in the green room with the band by the way

Tiffany: Rhea and I can't stand each other. Like we literally argue everyday and it's really pissing her off right now that Dom and Damian are friends with me. A lot of people hate me up here actually.

Corky: why?

Tiffany: a bunch of bullshit rumors that were circulating NXT that trickled their way up here. Shit pisses me off. Like bro if you don't have facts to say shit.

Me: what are the rumors?

Tiffany: that I slept my way here basically. Then Ludwig is up here spreading bullshit about me. I'm just all around hated up here. Well except for by Dom and Damian.

Me: really?

Tiffany: yeah, it's weird I was expecting them to be like Rhea and ya know hate me for no fucking reason.

Sam: if she hates you so much give her a reason to hate you

Tiffany: oh that's the plan. Next week imma take her title and give her a real reason to hate me. Oh! Speaking of that. Are you gonna be able to come to my title match next week? We're in LA for it and I'd love for you to be there to watch me kick some ass in person. I'd love for you to come.

Me: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Tiffany: be quiet for a second. She's coming. Mute your microphone

I muted my microphone.

Rhea said ya know what I really don't understand? Tiffany said basic math. Rhea said you're such a bitch. Tiffany said I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch! Look in the fucking mirror. You hate me for no reason. Rhea said I don't understand why you're in WWE. You look like you'd do better on OnlyFans. Tiffany said we both know if I did OnlyFans, matt would be my top subscriber. Rhea said you're a true bitch. Tiffany said I can't wait for next week when I can give you a legitimate reason to hate me. Rhea said you're not gonna beat me and that's a fact. Tiffany said we'll see about that. Rhea said no wonder Ludwig cheated on you. Tiffany said you better shut the hell up before I knock your teeth down your throat. Rhea said ewww, did I hit a sore spot? You're such a bitch and the only thing you got going for you is your body and that's not even that great. You're gonna die alone Tiffany. Because you're so repulsive to be around. Anywho imma get out of here. Later bitch

Tiffany: I gotta go

Hung up
I said what the hell is Rhea's problem? Cam said that's such a low blow. I said how she's treating Tiffany is actual bullshit. I'm gonna go to the bus. I walked out of the green room....

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