Wedding celebrations

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Some days passed. Brittany is brushing Macy's hair in the bedroom in Forrester mansion.

Brittany: Just look at you mom. You're glowing.

Macy smiles.

Brittany: Dad is so lucky. 

Macy: I hope he knows that.

Brittany: Of course he does. I still remember how happy he was when he finally got you back... And when he found out that somehow you are my mom and I am his daughter.

Macy: This must be the most bizarre story you ever heard, right?

Brittany: Uhmm.. Yeah... But that's our life... It wasn't easy at first, but... I realized how fortunate I am to still have parents when before I thought I am an orphan. The woman who hurt you so much was my mom... All my life I had no idea that she was hiding you... That's horrible... 

Macy: Hey... Don't think about that.

Brittany: I'm sorry that I talk about this on your wedding day... 

Macy: It's ok... I'm glad that life gave me another chance. 

Brittany: Now you will always be happy.

Macy: I hope so.

Brittany: Dad will make sure of it. 

Macy smiles and Brittany continues to brush her hair.

Next scene: Thorne and Rick talk downstairs.

Rick: Well, well, well... You look like a million of bucks. 

Maya walks in.

Maya: I agree.

Rick and Thorne look awkward.

Maya: You two don't have to worry... Ok? I know you still think abut that kiss months ago and how it could ruin everything, but it won't.

Thorne: I knew we invited you, but I thought you will not come... I'm just surprised. That's all.

Maya: If I wouldn't come... It would look fishy.

Rick: I agree with Maya. 

Thorne: I really love Macy you know... So much. 

Maya: I know. I was in such a dark place when we kissed. I'm sorry. I mean... I kissed you of course... You're not to blame. 

Rick: Okay... I think we need to change the topic. 

Eric and Donna walk in.

Eric: Here is my handsome son. 

Thorne: Hey dad.

Eric: And my other equally handsome son.

Rick smiles.

Donna: I am so excited for you and Macy Thorne. 

Thorne: I am also very excited... And just happy. 

Maya looks worried and so does Rick.

Next scene: Caroline is in the loft with Bill and Katie.

Caroline: Thanks God Douglas went to his friend so we can talk freely. 

Katie: So you invited us to talk about some delicate matter?

Caroline: Yes... You know... Today is Thorne and Macy's wedding.

Bill: We know that... Why does it matter?

Caroline: I should be there today as Thomas's wife, but for obvious reasons I won't go... And so many people there are Douglas's family... He said he doesn't want to go with daddy if I am not coming. He doesn't understand why can't we be a family anymore... 

Bold and the Beautiful Alternative Version Season 3Where stories live. Discover now