Chapter 4

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Zhan took a minute to process the words the nurse just announced because he was still lost in thought when she walked in. He didn't even notice her when she walked in.

"Mr Lang is awake."

His legs wanted to run to the ward to go see for himself, but logic told him that would create too much suspension. Zhan is not a man who acts out of character. He is calm, collected, and hardly shows explosive emotions. Even under a lot of stress, he is known to never lose his cool.

He walked just fast enough to get to the ward without raising eyebrows.

When he got there, 2 nurses were already assisting Mr Lang.

"Good evening, Mr Lang. My name is Dr. Xiao. May i assist with getting you comfortable? I am going to slowly pull the intubation tube out, and this will feel extremely uncomfortable. Even though you will have an overwhelming sensation to vomit, don't fight it and dont fight me. I will be done as soon as i can."

He took out the intubation tube slowly while he tried to guide the man to calm down.

The man just nodded.

Zhan did all that he needed to do. And this whole time, this man was just staring at him, to the point where he hardly blinked.


"Nurse Jiyi, please get Mr Lang some water."

She quickly rushed out and came back with water and a straw.

She tried to feed Mr Lang some water, but he turned and looked at Zhan. It seemed he wanted Zhan to feed the water to him.

Zhan wasn't going to make a big deal out of nothing. The man needed water, so he just took the glass from Jiyi and fed Mr Lang.

The nurses also realized the strange behavior from Mr Lang towards Dr. Xiao. His eyes followed all of Zhan's movements. It didn't matter, big or small.

After all the tests were done, Zhan concluded that Mr Lang's recovery was nothing short of a miracle. Other than the big stitch on his head, everything else looked great.

"Sir, do you know your name?"

He shook his head.

"Do you know your age?"

He shook his head.

Zhan decided to ask the obvious questions just to make sure that this man's brain could process things because he was beginning to worry.

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you have any idea why you are here."

He shook his head again

"Do you have any memories about who you are or anything other than where you are?"

He shook his head again.

"Mr Lang, It looks like you might have trauma induced amnesia. We are going to send you off to do a cat scan just to rule out any brain damage or anything more sinister."

"Nurse Jiyi, please prep him for the scans and take him down for me. Bring the reports to my office when they are ready."

"OK, Dr. Xiao."

As Zhan turned to walk away, Mr Lang grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

The man just stared at him.

"I need you to use your words because I can't read your mind. Why did you grab my arm, Mr Lang?"

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