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Finally what feel like eternity they reached in shimla...

"The serene beauty of Shimla provided the perfect backdrop for our family vacation." Suneha said

"Ofcourse as you can see from the moment we arrived, there is an air of excitement and togetherness that filled the atmosphere." Umar said

"You guys are not celebrity by which place get affect" Faris said

"Faris don't be serious every time man, you'll get old soon" arsh said

"It's my matter not yours" Faris said while gritting his teeths

"Well if it's not mine then it's about noor how would such a beauty will live a oldy man like you" arsh said while smirking

"C'mon arsh if he'll get old, I will love him as much as I do now, even more in the future." Noor said while smiling Faris also smiled but someone was burning in the jealousy and it was none other than arsh...

"Let's go guys" suhana said and they took their seats in the car

As they explored the charming streets lined with colonial-era buildings and quaint shops, laughter and chatter echoed through the alleys.

"Each day will going to fill with new adventures and shared experiences. We will venture into the lush forests surrounding Shimla, embarking on scenic hikes that offered breathtaking views of the Himalayas. The crisp mountain air invigorated our spirits as we trekked through the pristine wilderness, bonding over our shared love for nature." Huda said while assuming

"Did you prepared a speech for us" ahaan asked

"No it is not like that" huda said with cute pout

"No but it seems like that" ahaan said and everybody start laughing except the one

"Did you done your work" arsh asked to someone on the phone

"Yes boss everything is done" the other man speak through the phone

"Okay" arsh said and cut the call and stated looking toward noor

"Listen everyone, firstly you guys will rest and then In the evenings, we will gathere around crackling bonfires, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories under the starlit sky. The warmth of the fire mirrored the warmth of our family bonds, creating unforgettable memories that will be cherished for years to come." Raziya said

"Okay mamma" suneha said and all nodded

"Whatever you say but I feel that the most special moments were the simple ones spent together – enjoying leisurely picnics in verdant meadows, savoring delicious local cuisine, and engaging in lively games and activities" yunus said

"I agree with you papa" Faris said

"Ha tum to kyu agree na Karo after all you are oldy na" arsh said in sarcastic way (yeah yeah why don't you agree)

"Don't you shut your mouth" Faris said

"No I can't because I'm still a youngster" arsh said

After leaving the car they was greeted by the crisp mountain air and stunning vistas that surrounded them. The journey to reach this idyllic hill station might have been long and arduous, but now, as they stepped into the cozy confines of their hotel, a sense of relief washed over them.

The fatigue of travel began to melt away as they settled into their rooms, grateful for the chance to rest and rejuvenate. As they unpacked their belongings and gazed out of the windows at the majestic Himalayan peaks in the distance, anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead began to build.

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