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Request: yes
Prompt: no
Prom0t number: none
Summery: how Sean and his partner who has ADHD and smoking weed.
Pairings: Sean McLoughlin x gn reader
Sean sat across from Y/N at the tiny kitchen table of their equally tiny apartment, watching as Y/N's fingers danced restlessly on the Formica surface. The late afternoon light cast a warm, golden glow over their mismatched mugs, one a gift from an old high school friend, the other a souvenir from a long-forgotten vacation. The apartment itself was a testament to their mismatched lives; a jumble of bright colors and eclectic knickknacks that somehow managed to mesh into a cozy, lived-in space.

It was a Tuesday, and Sean had taken the day off from work to spend some quality time with Y/N. He knew that Y/N had been feeling a bit down lately, struggling with the constant restlessness and distraction that came with their ADHD. But lately, it seemed like something else was bothering Y/N as well. Something Sean couldn't quite put his finger on.

He glanced at the half-empty pack of cigarettes on the counter, knowing that Y/N had been smoking more than usual. Not that Sean minded; he'd long ago grown accustomed to the smell of tobacco in their clothes and hair. In fact, sometimes it even reminded him of their first date, when they'd shared a cigarette outside the dingy bar where they'd met. But something about the way Y/N was holding the pack now, the way they seemed to be avoiding his gaze, made him uneasy.

"You know," Sean began tentatively, trying to broach the subject without sounding accusatory, "I've been noticing that you've been smoking more lately." He paused, waiting for a reaction.

Y/N's fingers stilled for a moment before resuming their restless dance. "Yeah," they mumbled, not making eye contact. "I guess I have." There was a long silence as they both sipped their tea. Sean could feel the tension building in the air, like a storm gathering on the horizon.

"Look," Sean said finally, setting his mug down with a quiet clink, "I just want you to know that I'm here for you, you know? Whatever's going on, we can talk about it." Y/N glanced up at him then, their eyes meeting for the first time in minutes. There was a vulnerability there that Sean hadn't seen in a long time, and it broke something loose inside him.

"It's just...," Y/N began, hesitating before continuing, "I feel like I can't focus without it. Like I'm always going a million miles an hour, and smoking slows me down just enough to keep from crashing." Sean reached across the table, taking Y/N's hand in his own, feeling the warmth and the tremors of emotion beneath the skin.

"I get that," he said gently. "But we can find other ways to help with that, you know? We don't have to rely on smoking." The words hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken meaning and the weight of their shared history. For a moment, they sat there, holding hands, the only sound the soft ticking of the clock on the wall.

As the sun dipped below the horizon outside their tiny window, Sean knew that they had a long road ahead of them. But for now, he was content to sit with Y/N in this small, intimate space, feeling the connection between them grow stronger with every passing moment.

"Hey," he said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "why don't we try going for a walk after dinner? Maybe get some fresh air, talk about some of these feelings you've been having?" Y/N smiled back at him, the first genuine smile Sean had seen in days. "That sounds nice," they said, squeezing his hand.

Together, they finished their tea and gathered up their trash, throwing it away in the small, creaky garbage can by the kitchen sink. As they walked into the living room to turn on the TV, Sean couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism growing inside him. Perhaps, together, they could find a way to navigate this new chapter in their lives, and come out stronger on the other side.

He glanced over at Y/N, who was already fidgeting with the remote control, their fingers moving in a dance that was both familiar and comfort

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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