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Sukuna stretched his arms before walking calmly towards Amaya, who faced much difficulty.

- I have to admit it, I didn't expect you to trust me... he chuckled.

- Still not the first time ! she reminded him.

Without really putting any effort into the fight, the pink-haired man grabbed the curse and threw it against the wall. As it took time getting up, Sukuna turned his eyes towards Amaya.

- I didn't believe you would becomes a curse for me... he said, suite impressed. I took time to recognise you... You had no interest on staying here.

- I promised I'd wait for you... the other one answered.

Sukuna smiled, as he rubbed her hair. The woman chuckled.

The curse came back, shivering as it had to fight such a powerful man.

Sukuna, who just wanted to continue his conversation, kicked the other down and threw it away once again, as if victory was only secondary for him.

Amaya waited for a second, nor knowing when she could talk.

- Are you happy seing me again ? she finally asked.

Sukuna raised an eyebrow, surprised.

- You're one of the only people I truly respect and like... he admitted. I never refused being with you, you're far better than those kids.

- You're mean to them, they're nice ! she answered, yet she couldn't hold back a laugh.

- I'm just saying the truth...

The curse came back, but flew in the wall again.

- Are you letting me do your walk ? he said in a mocking tone. You can't fight anymore after a thousand years ?

- I don't want to act like you... she simply answered to provoke him.

Both became silent. Sukuna stared at her, quite angry, as her friend noticed she shouldn't have said that.

However, deciding not to focus on this, Sukuna approached the other curse again, and fought him with his bare hands for a moment.

- This one's suite slow, compared to me... he said as he laughed a bit. Was it so difficult for you to beat it ?

- I can't use my curse technique with the kids around... she reminded him.

However, she looked at the fight, quite impressed. Her friend was still really fast and knew when to fight back.

- You lost some silly, compared to before... she noticed.

She could notice Megumi got up, followed by Nobara. Both got out quickly, as they heard the plan.

They didn't really trust them, but had no other choice than listening to them.

The old cursed continued his fight, showing his great strength as he could easily kill the curse. He taught some fighting techniques while his friend listened to him carefully.

After a few minutes, he got bored, expanded his domain and made the other disappear.

Amaya seemed fascinated, and applaused him loudly, glad she did'nt have to fight anymore.

- You really lost some skills, kid... he said in a mocking voice.

- I never had your talent... And don't call me a kid, I'm just a bit younger than you, I'm a grown up ! she protested. And, strength is not the most important thing...

The other sighed.

- Don't start another debate, please... he sighed. You've known me for a millenia, but don't start annoying me... I don't want to be in a bad mood today.

His friend seemed unpleased, but stayed quiet.

Sukuna began walking again, as he looked at her.

- Come on, let's play ! he shouted in a happy voice.

The other cursed accepted, even though she stayed on her guard. She couldn't just ignore Sukuna after such a long time.

Both walked accross the corridors. The curtain had disappeared, so they could go whatever they wanted. However, they did'nt follow the direction thé others took. Amaya walked without saying a single word, as she enjoyed her old friend's company.

- I'm hungry... Sukuna mumbled. Let's go eat something !

The woman opened her eyes wide as she remembered her duty.

- You don't have the right to eat people, remember ?! she sayed angrily. Don't be stupid...

The pink-haired man seemed shocked, and waited for a few seconds.

- You... You really want to follow their rules ? he hesitated.

She nodded.

- I thought you were only here to see me again... he said in a worried voice. I finally took control over the kid, he's weak ! We can do whatever we want, why would we hold back, after all the time we lost ?!
The man approached her, grabbing her arm and showing an amused smile. His ferocious look had softened as soon as he saw his old friend.

Although she dreamt of spending time with Sukuna, Amaya turned her gaze away. She close her eyes to avoid seing Sukuna's pitiful look, and stepped back, hoping that the exorcists could see her.

The people from the school felt their cursed energy, and approached them, she could feel it.

Sukuna's eyes lost all brightness, as he felt betrayed.

- You really want to take me back to people who want me dead ? he understood.

- I won't let them hurt your, dear... she promised. However, I won't accept letting you kill everyone again. I don't want to see another War. I'd like to follow you, anywhere you want, like before, but... I can't let you kill humans. I have no interest in running away with you, Gojo's strong, I won't risk being killed with you... Come back. I will help you be as powerful as before... If you accept seing how much a life is important.

The curse sighed.

- You were a human once, I can't blame you... he said in a sad tone. But I won't let them hurt me !

- It's not what I want either ! she answered quickly. Trust me... You aren't even string enough to fight them... Come with me...

The man thought about it for a second. He didn't like it, and his best friend stood there, hoping he would accept her idea.

The group approached, he sighed.

- Kid... Take back control over your body, he said while slowly letting his power vanish.

No smile came on Amaya's face as she saw her friend disappear. Her plan didn't please her, and she would have wanted a better option. Tears fell down her eyes when Gojo arrived, followed by his two other students. Yuji looked at her, schocked, a worried look on his face.

Old Friend [Sukuna And OC] - A Jujutsu Kaisen FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora