chapter 4

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I cried and cried, until my eyes were out of tears. No more tears to come out of them. How he could he be so cruel? I want to go home but he's keeping me hostage. What have I done? I'm chained to this bed and my wrists hurt like hell.

The man, he told me he isn't going to let go of me. He isn't going to let me out of here. He's bent on having me here with him, forcing me here. I don't even know this place, I don't know who he is but there's something strange about him. I get that feelimg like I've seen him before. Like the way I felt when he was close to me chaining me my heart was beating so fast, I feel like I've felt that before. It's familiar.

But who was he?

Why would he keep me here?

I just hopes he comes back soon, maybe I can beg him some more to let me go, I mean that's the thing I' ve found myself doing but the urge to go back wasn't strong as before. I was very scared but now.....I don't know.

My head feels heavy and my aching wrists aren't helping.

Sighing, I let my tired eyes close as I fell into a deep slumber.

I don't know if it's been hours or minutes or even seconds but I feel like I can't get enough sleep, because the moment I closed my eyes I heard the door open and I felt the bed dip beside me. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw him.

My captivator.

He walked in with do much power and authority, he was intimidating no doubt even with a tray of food he was carrying. He was dressed like someone who was something powerful.

His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue but mine were different his were more beautiful more captivating. They stood out with his white hair. He was a beautiful man, He sat on the bed beside my laying figure and he was so fucking close I forgot to breathe for a second. He's making feel something I shouldn't be feeling, he was my caltivator , he's keeping me here against my will and I shouldn't be staring at him.

I finally stopped staring, "please...." I was begging my eyes were helping me in pleading, I used it whenever I wanted something from my friends, gosh I missed them, they must be so worried about me. Kayla, David and Zion. I missed y'all. I hope maybe soon y'all will find me. He looked at me obviously not liking the puppy dog eyes I was giving, he looked away avoiding them as much as he could

"I can't do it kory." He said, his voice calm yet harsh, I sighed tiredly . He wasn't going to let me go, I know. His facial expressions said so. And the determination in his voice was clear.

"Just unchain me I promise not to escape I swear." I begged him and he eyed me suspiciously like I was a deceiving object.


"I won't run away." I said, but why had I said that? Maybe because the urge to run wasn't there as before. Something was pulling me. But honestly trying to escape was hopeless cause I knew he would find me. I hadn't made an attempt to escape in the first place but it was as if he knew what was on my head when he bathed through the door. He was now on my tail.

He narrowed his eyes at me, keeping the look for a while before sighing. He seem to look defeated. He was debating if he should unchain me or not, cause me begging maybe an excuse to escape but like I said It will be hard to do that.

"How do I know you're not lying?" He asked me keeping the look.

"I don't know, Please just let me out of this chains my wrists are hurting. Besides I don't think I can escape, you're on my tail." I begged, we kept looking at each other it was as if the world had stopped but my heart didn't it was beating as fast as a cheetah could run. I began to wonder what is so special about him that I keep looking at. He was the first to look away, thank the Goddess of War I would have died from those piercing eyes of his.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆'𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 | 18+ (𝐌𝐗𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now