Alliance again? (OOAK AU)

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[Continuing on from "TBD Troubles". This is pretty much episode 10]

From here and there, people seemed to slug and sprawl at snail's pace under the scorch of the sun. The once lemon-green grass was turning pale yellow in some parts and even hay gold. Gold beaches washed cool water that evaporated as soon as he current retreated, upon those blazing white sands. From a small straw and wood hut within the centre of the island, a large blairing beep rang out. The same tune used to summon contestants to elimination, except with a more urgent and annoying jingle, like an alarm call.

Test Tube trudged along, the sun's rays piercing through the glass of her tube and turning the grass beside her path into a line of scorched earth and burnt, blackened grass. Next to her, holding her hand, Bow Bot walked a little easier, perhaps due to the lack of heat sensors they had at the moment. Still, their metal body was still hot with bits of their pink paint slightly dulled. Behind, Silver was striding, putting on a witty smile despite the over exhausted quiver in his eyes. His face was laced with sweat and he struggled to breathe on the walk, but kept up as much a façade of  an uncaring attitude to the heat as possible. 

Perhaps in order to emulate the shorter and somehow much calmer Candle who's hand his fingers were wrapped with and whom he had to leap to keep up with despite her being the shorter one. Even with wax around her wick melting, she managed to keep a kind and relaxed expression. Her flame was low, though it's heat may not have been felt through the blaze. Behind, she used the other hand to drag an unconscious Yin Yang, passed out with a crushed and empty can of Doctor Fizz.

Next to the family looking trio was a pretty irate and down paintbrush, who only managed a cool head due to the fact that their glorious golden locks had been trimmed down to mergere bristles. Their face scowled as the top of their head, through what little thickened locks remained, smoked and smouldered. By their side was a pretty deflated and fatigued Balloon, somehow moving forward by his willpower alone. He carried the leg of Nickel, who lay face down, possibly dead. 

Everyone stood outside the hut where the the call tune had played. It was large and thin, almost weak looking and a breeze could be felt from inside. In front, just beyond the loose stick door was the immunity button, its red surface covered by a grey mat. The iron bar upon which it stood was also covered in this same grey mat. As was the blue button edges.

But nobody paid heed to the button. Several, including Silver Spoon, and Test Tube dashed past, collapsing inside the hut on cool grass. Balloon entered, throwing Nickel over and causing him to roll by a large fan, before he sat on a stool on one side of the room. Candle did the same, though less throwing Yin Yang and more rolling him close to one of the blasting fans. None took notice of the dazzling blue screen and cool calm smiling show host who they had knocked over by the Pic Nix table, which was covered in white cloth. Floory, holding a small fridge, came around, giving everyone a selection of drinks.

"Jeez, why is everyone freaking out so much?" Bot asked Candle, seeing as she was the only one who had a cool head. Balloon coughed slightly as he sipped his can of Tangalistic, a drink that Yang would screech about being the "inferior Dr Fizz".

"They always freak out when its hot." He said before Candle could, though they seemed not to mind as they sipped their lemonade. "Heck, I'm surprised Paintbrush hasn't gone mental from their hair mess. Cabby was certainly right about that one.' he added, causing the three of them to laugh.

"Well, it's not too easy to hold your own head when there's a giant heat laser in the sky." Candle said warmly, smiling. "I mean, I expected much more chaos than what's already been, but we've past the peak of this glaze without much fuss.".

"Most of the people I know usually tough through the early bits." Balloon explained, watching from his chair as Nickel began to stir. "At least he aint dead.".

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