Chapter 33 - Jazz Machinations

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Author Note: Well this was a shorter...but sweet chapter. I am still thinking about the pairing, but I am taking everyone's thoughts into account. Let's keep on going forward and reach this finish line. Remember to follow, favorite, review, comment and all that jazz. Enjoy the story.


TheEmeraldMage: Yeah, I get what you mean. Harem's usually fuck the story, but if Aiden has his is going to lead to a much more darker ending. If he's going to gain the two heroines, he's got to lose a lot in return. Yeah, also with the Secelia element I was surprised by how little they utlized her. Got hardly anything from her character and I aperciate the complements. Also, Miorine being jeoluse I do want to clarify was always in the plan, there was always moments in which I wanted to write Aiden and Miorine. However, Aiden x Suletta would always be endgame. However, I've come to realize that Aiden and Miorine had a lot of chemstry so I've been dabbling with that thought. However, this chapter is very much Suletta x Aiden even though it's shorter. Also, Marty's character, I know he's got a bad rep going for him...but I really want to see what's good with his character. His type is very interesting to write about. The reluctant soldier. Also, all this Newtype stuff...I only watch Gundam UC and only recently got into the stuff like two month's ago. That's proably why the Zaku and Thunderbolt stuff lowkey it's just super cool. Still, thanks for the constant reviews. Have a good one and stay safe as well!

Eternicus: I would completely understand if you stopped reading if I went the pologomy route. Stories that usually go that route usually end up in the shitter. That's why i've been gaugeing people's thoughts. Pretty interesting to note the difference between Wattpad and . A lot of people want Pologomy on Wattpad, but on everyone's staunchly against it. Still, it's just a thought and I am taking everyone's into account. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

TheAdvocate7: I am glad that you are enjoying the story! It's just a thought on the pologomy route...this one is heavily Suletta x Aiden and honestly all the build up towards them. Especially the ideas I have on the outline for there further romance is going to have people interested.

SixSpartain: Thanks for reading! There was a lot of inspirations for Aiden and while I watched Witch from Mercury I woudl actually get into Gundam months after seeing it due to disliking the ending. Thunderbolt was a blast! Also, I get what you mean in regards to Aiden x Suletta. Next chapter is going to be the end of the Award Show. It's been running a bit long and it's going to end on chapter 34, but this couple of chapter's have been fun and nice to write. I've just been busy with school and studies.

Chapter 33

Ensign Marty

Ensign Marty's Heat Hawk sliced swiftly through the air above the Dilenza's head, the crackling of electricity mingling with the smirk that danced across his features. "You call these mechs!" he shouted triumphantly as he delivered the final crushing blow to the machine's cockpit.

"The Ensign really is on a warpath, isn't he, Travis?" Wilkerson remarked, launching shots from his missile launcher.

His Zaku High Mobility darted away from a laser shot fired by a squadron of three approaching enemies. He zipped and dipped through space, leaving bright indigo slashes in his wake as his laser rifle carved through the expanse.

Travis's features twisted into a sneer. "Doesn't he already have that cursed Gundam?" he questioned. "It was waiting patiently in stock as they gave him the last Zaku II."

Wilkerson chuckled darkly. "Have you forgotten about the curse?" he countered. "I doubt the Ensign or the Commander is going to jump into that machine headfirst."

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