Double celebration

32 6 2

Time flies like an arrow...
"Tee,I honestly can't believe that I have already spent 6 years married to Jaan. Kamar jiya kuka kawo ni gidanshi." I said to Teemah, munching on the meat floss she brought to me that I had been craving for.

"Hah. It's because you are still in your honeymoon phase."

"Honeymoon phase? After 6 years?"

"Of course. Ya Abu is always all over you, even in front of people. Our family named you "Indian couple." "

"Really? And we don't even know?"

"Do you remember 3 years ago at your call to bar ceremony when Ya Abu gave you that money bouquet and hugged you in front of everyone? That was when Goggo Bilki gave you that name. She said,"Abu da Husna kamar jinin Indiyawa akwai soyayya."

"Oh my God! Seriously? I will definitely gist Jaan about this. It's all his fault,most times he make me forget that we are not always alone. He's such a lover guy. "

"And that's why you love him. You love love too.
I know he will laugh when he hears it."

"Of course,I do. Just like you and Daddy Baffa,lovebirds."

"Hmm. So,what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Nothing much. You know I told him that we will not have a grand celebration for our anniversary till when we become parents. So,it's just the usual, a date and gifts exchange. "

"You will be very soon. Who knows, maybe you are pregnant now. "

"Hmm,I'm not. My period is coming tomorrow. Erm...I want to go to the Bee-jay beauty group early tomorrow for an overall body care treatment and henna. Can we go together?"

"Hmm,do you know that I have been wanting to go since 2 weeks ago? No problem, I'll tell Mon Cherie when I go back home.
Oh,see,it's almost time for Baffa's Islamia to close, I need to go now." She said, checking the wall clock.

"Ah,it's 5:22pm now,you better go. Don't keep my boy waiting for you at the gate, please."

"Uhm masu da."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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