First move

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"Teemah I feel like flying,i just want to see me home. I want to see that happy and proud face of my parents."

"Sure. We are almost there. I'm so happy for you. I pray I'll make it too."

"Oh you will,I trust you. I know you will make it." I was about to reply her when she squealed.

"It is 188! I made it! See Hus,they just text me now."

"Yeeayy... congrats dear! I'm so elated right now. Thank you Allah. This is all your doing. We finally made it." We hugged each other grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks Hus. All thanks be to Allah. Let me call mom." She called her parents and siblings and told them about the result.

"Huh! Teemah,this call for celebration. Let's buy suya please."

"Hah! Hus, your love for meat ko. Okay, let's buy it. If that's your way of celebrating."

"Yes yes,we should stop and smell the roses. Malam Ilu zamu tsaya Idan munzo Kankia,we want to buy suya." He said okay and we stopped by and bought it.

"Mmm...Kankia's suya is the best,I love it. Let's have a selfie. And yes Malam Ilu play that music for us please." That was how we jubilated before we reached home.

Two weeks later, I was in my room playing game when Ya Aisha's call came in. She's an elder sister of Teemah. I picked up and we exchanged pleasantries.

"Baby please I have a favour to ask you." My heart throbbed.

"Is okay Ya Aisha. I pray I can do it. What is it?

"I know you remember Aunty Zainab that you stayed at her house when you went for jamb? Do you remember her son?"

"Yes,the one that couldn't went to fetch us after our jamb, right? But I can't really recall his face. You know I don't keep track of faces that I don't see often. What about him?"

"Oh! Yes, that's him.Teemah told me about it. Since you came back he has been disturbing Teemah about your number,but she refused to send it to him saying you will kill her if you heard about it. So he called me today asking if I know you. That since the day that you met,he fell for you..."

"Yes,my Yaya is in love with the fine girl. And Ya Aisha has already sent him your number. I'm in her house now. He said he will call you later. Please Hus don't turn him down. I know you and I know what you can do. After all ,you break up with your Jaan. So please give our Yaya a chance."

"Seriously Teemah? I don't know how I will listen to that your mean cousin.  And FYI I don't break up with Jaan, we are just giving each other space for a break. Talking about chance,I will see about it." Ya Aisha collected the phone from Teemah and pleaded with me to gave him a chance.

"Is okay Ya Aisha. I will do it,just for you... alright thanks. My regards to Hanaan. Bye."

Later around 8pm when i was watching Sunnah TV with Momma in her parlour, my phone began to ring. I checked the phone and saw it was a number,so I excused myself to my room and answered the call.

"Hello, good evening. Who is on the line please?"

"Hello,am I speaking with Husnah?"
Boom! My heart pounded." It's him, Teemah's cousin." I said inwardly

"Yes you are. And who are you please?"

"Erm... It is Abubakar, Teemah's cousin."

Dan Dan Dan !

Abubakar has made a move.

Let's see what's next😉

I hope you like the chapter?

But I want to see more votes and comments please 😩😩 Thanks in advance


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