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🌌/ "SYMPHONIA" chapter twenty five

🌌/ "SYMPHONIA" chapter twenty five

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real life

"EXCUSE ME?" MIA TURNED her head around after feeling a light tap on her shoulder she was face to face with a guy- about her height, maybe a little taller with brown hair

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"EXCUSE ME?" MIA TURNED her head around after feeling a light tap on her shoulder she was face to face with a guy- about her height, maybe a little taller with brown hair. "you dropped this."

mia looked down at his hand which held her bag of tampons. yes, you heard me. her effing bag of effing tampons. the boy was cute, too, so it really didn't help that one of the first people she met now saw her insane tampon collection. (i don't know why this is embarrassing, i just needed a reason for mia to be embarrassed.)

her eyes immediately widened and her face flushed bright red as she snatched it out of his hand. "oh my gosh, that's actually so embarrassing, thank you." she put her hands over her face in attempt to hide it, but the guy only laughed.

"its no problem, i have sisters so i understand." the boy smiled, shyly, and his cheeks were a shade of light pink. "and by the way, your backpacks open. that may be why your... uh... sanitary needs fell out."

"oh." mia mentally laughed at his choice of describing words for her tampons. she tried to look behind her and zip her backpack up, but failed, and embarrassed herself more.

she glanced at his face as he laughed, and wondered if she'd ever seen him before.

"here, i got it." he said before walking behind her. "i'll put your bag away for you too." he offered, holding out his hand. mia nodded and gave him the bear.

"thanks again. i'm so sorry. this is my first day here, and i'm kind of a mess."

"don't sweat it," the boy waved her off. his eyes were full of friendliness and sincerity. "you're doing great. i'm vincent, by the way."

mia took his outstretched hand as she contemplated giving him her real name, or her nickname. she decided on her nickname; she didn't think anyone deserved to know her real name. "mia. have i seen you before?" she immediately regretted the question when she saw his brown eyebrows furrow as he frowned.

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