Chapter 11 - Minor Mishap

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A little warning: Spicy content ahead! I'll mark the spicy parts.


I successfully made my way back to Min-Jun and was even able to resume working, which really helped distracting me.
After a couple more hours of filing through paperwork, Min-Jun leaned back and released a long yawn.
"I think I'm gonna call it a day", he announced. As I checked the time I was surprised by how late it already was.
"Yeah. Me too", I agreed.
"You wanna go out to eat?", he asked.
"Oh yes. I'm super hungry." Only then I felt how hungry I actually was. D*mn. "I'm just gonna change into something else real quick."
"Alright. I'll wait in the car, if you don't mind."
"Oh no, go ahead. I'll hurry", I said before grabbing a dress and going into the bathroom.

 I'll hurry", I said before grabbing a dress and going into the bathroom

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Just as I was touching up my make-up, my phone started ringing. It was Na-Ri.
"Hi", I greeted her.
"Hey. I just wanted to check in on you."
"Everything's fine. Min-Jun is actually more tolerable than I thought", I said with a little smile.
"You sure you ok?", she asked concerned.
"Yes. I promise you, everything is ok. But listen ...", I begean. "Something else came up and it has nothing to do with Min-Jun for a change."
"What happened?" Na-Ri sounded alert for a second, so I thought about not telling her anything to not worry her more, but changed my mind.
"Apparently my father sent more people after me. It seems like he doesn't trust Min-Jun. But believe it or not, Min-Jun and I are working together on getting rid of them and you should know that I'm not gonna come home for a while, to make sure you're all out of harms way. We are currently trying to drag this business trip out for as long as we can. I mean, Min-Jun alone was already bad enough, I don't need the others to swarm around you too."
"You sure you're gonna be ok?", was all she said, because Na-Ri knew better than to try and talk me out of my plans.
"Yes. 100 %", I confirmed with a smile.
"Alright. Then I'm gonna trust in your judgement."
"Thank you."
"But don't hesitate to call us if you need anything", she quickly added.
"I promise. But hey, could you do me a favour?", I asked tentatively.
"What is it?"
"Could you please not tell Vincenzo about this?" Silence. "Only because he was already worried about leaving us all to fend for ourselves. If he finds out that there are more people now, I just know for a fact that he will come home immediately. And the selfish b*tch that I am, I want Yeo-Sang to be save more than anything. Even if it means that we're on our own."
What followed was another long stretch of silence. Just as I wanted to ask if she was still there, Na-Ri spoke up.
"It doesn't sound selfish to me at all. To put yourself in danger to keep someone else safe."
"But putting one life over several others is", I insisted.
"I still don't think so. But whatever. Your secret is save with me"
"Thank you."
"You got it."
"Listen, I have to get ready now. I'm gonna have dinner with Min-Jun. He's actually waiting downstairs."
"Do you now?", Na-Ri asked and I could hear her smile on the other end of the line.
"It's nothing like that. We were both working all day long and we must eat at some point. There is nothing romantic about it. Plus, he has other things on his mind right now, than to win me back."
"If you say so", she replied.
"Okay, tell the others I said hi", I said.
"Will do. Stay safe."
"I will", I said and hung up before getting ready for dinner.

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