Chapter 13 - Oyabun

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If I would have known how much time Min-Jun actually needed to get ready, I wouldn't have waited in the car and if I would have known what would have happened, I certainly would have stayed in the hotel.
"Seriously, it's been half an hour. Ten minutes my *ss", I mubled to myself before trying to call him. Voicemail. What the f*ck? Something must have been wrong. That's why I decided to go upstairs and see what was going on. But I barely made it out of the car before I was grabbed from behind and someone pressed a stinking piece of fabric over my mouth and nose. Chloroform. I tried to fight my way out of their grip, but to no avail. The Chloroform made me weaker with every passing second. Trying to hold my breath only worked till a certain point.
"Saran'ah!", was the last thing I heard before I slipped into unconsciousness.
"Saran'ah? Saran'ah, can you hear me?" The voice sounded like I was under water at first, but then got clearer. I opened my eyes and just saw a vague shape of a face hovering over me.
"Saran'ah? Can you hear me?" It was Min-Jun.
"Min-Jun?", I asked to be sure.
"Yes. Oh God, saran'ah. You scared me. Are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern.
"Yeah, I think so. There was someone, they tried to take me out. Sucessfully so", I said bitterly. As I looked around, I saw two dead bodies on the ground.
"I came just in time. I saw how they were about to drag you off."
"You saved me?", I asked in disbelief.
"Of course. I will always save you, saran'ah", Min-Jun breathed, while deeply staring into my eyes. After a couple more moments he remembered that he had to focus on the task at hand. "We can't stay here. I don't know if anyone else is coming for you."
"Who were they?"
"Those were Petrov's men. He is a business partner of your father's. They weren't happy with the last delivery, so my guess is that they found you and wanted to use you against him, for whatever reason." Nice story, I thought. He had no clue that I already knew about his little set up at the restaurant.
"My God", I whispered nonetheless, feigning shock.
"That's why it's important that you listen to me." I looked at him with big eyes. "You need to come with me, saran'ah. I can keep you save."
"What about Jae and Sora?"
"They're already on their way back to Japan", he mindlessly said. Why were they already on their way back, when I wasn't planning on going back to Japan? Wasn't their task to drag me back there?
However I pretended like nothing was amiss. "They ran like cowards as soon as I told them", he added. Probably because he realised that he just gave himself away.
"What do we do?", I asked.
"You need to come with me. I will keep you save, I promise." As he noticed me being hesitant he asked: "Do you trust me?" I pretended to think about it, while looking at the bodies. Then returned my gaze to Min-Jun and gave him a nod.
"Alright, come on." He pulled me up with him, guiding me back to our hotel room.
In record time we packed our things, he booked a flight and we left for the airport. At some point I managed to shoot Na-Ri a quick text: Like I said.
She responded just as quick: Alright. We're on it.

"Here you go", Min-Jun said and handed me my plane-ticket. It was a short distance flight within Korea?
"You know, we could have just went there by car", I said.
"It would have taken us longer", he argued and I gave it a rest.

A couple hours later we landed in Busan.
"We just have to wait for our car to arrive. It shouldn't take long though", Min-Jun said. "Here. I brought you your favourite." He handed me a cup of coffee. "There's a Starbucks and I remembered how much you liked the Hazelnut brew." He smiled at me.
"Thank you, Min-Jun", I replied. Okay, down with it, I thought.
"Hey, I'm gonna head to the restrooms real quick. I'll be right back", Min-Jun said after a while.
"Ok." As soon as he was out of my sight I texted Na-Ri: Busan KO Japan
As soon as it was delivered, I deleted it.
As Min-Jun came back, I already finished my coffee and suddenly started to feel tired, so I leaned against his shoulder.
"You tired?", he asked and put an arm around me. As an answer I simply nodded.
"Can you make it to the car? I just got a text that it's here."
On our way out, I had to entirely lean on Min-Jun, but he didn't seem to mind. I think, if it wouldn't have looked kind of suspicious, he would have carried me.
The last thing I remembered was, that we got in the car. Again I leaned my head on Min-Jun's shoulder while he stroked my hair.
"It's alright, saran'ah. Just rest", he said soothingly and placed a light kiss on top of my head.
While I was out, I was haunted by another memory, that I would have rather forgotten about.

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