Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat

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Tax Fraud/Gallic Kricketune
Smuggling/Greek Cherubi





Stuff: "I can't believe I got offscreened."

Hannibal: "You have now gazed my immeasurable power in the jaws. Do you finally understand that you've never stood a chance?"

Stuff: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I got humiliated in my own story!"

Hannibal: " that's just ridiculous."

Stuff: "Waaaaaaaaaah!"

Hannibal: "...*sigh* Look, don't act like that. You're a rookie with hardly a year under your belt. And you are still one of the strongest soldiers in this battlefield. You have amazing potential. That's why I'm so adamant about having you out of my way."

Stuff: "*sniff* You for real?"

Hannibal: "As real as I'll ever be."

Scipio: "Stuff! Are you okay!"

Scipio: "Stuff! Are you okay!"

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--One sweep later--

Scipio: "Tsk, he's way too strong."

Hannibal: "Now, the two of you will die."

Aemilius: "Not if I can do something about it."

Hannibal: "You fucking Romans."

Aemilius: "Hurry up and leave Scipio! I leave my daughter in your hands!"

Scipio: You can't-"

Aemilius: "Hurry up!"

Aemilius: "Hurry up!"

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Stuff: "You... need a hand?"

Scipio: "No, that was perfectly fine."

Stuff: "I mean about managing your anger. I don't think anyone can just beat the shit out of 3 men, including a Carthaginian general like that."

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