Of Love, Escape and the Future

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Lana POV

"Hey Zianna," I say thinking now is the time to get some much needed answers. "Why do you hate the way your parents rule Torah?"

"That happens to be quite a short story far short of passing any kind of time. But I will tell it anyway. ." she says. "Just be prepared for my question to you. I hope you are comfortable with sharing how the two of you escaped the enchanted forest."

I laugh. How could one be so funny during such dark times, when our lives could very well be in danger? "Fine. At least I know my story is not going anywhere if we are still stuck in this dungeon."

"Very well Lana. I only have one real reason anyways. When  I was a little girl, Torah had everything. The land was beautiful, people were friendly, the sun shone and there was always music in the air. I could come and go as I pleased and studied what I wanted. Then came the knowledge of the Prophecy when my mother found the staff of Torah hidden in the aerie. The darkness fell and the world I knew along with everything I thought I had was gone. I hate the way they rule because I though we had it all, but it was not enough for them. Apparently having their only heir spend the majority of her life locked up in a cold, damp room is their idea of a good life. I am more like their slave or prisoner than a child of royalty. See, if Zarya gets the Jewels, she plans to kill every one else, but if I rule, I wish to be a good leader like your mother, Arianna. That surprise invasion that she kept talking about before she died, I can form a world-wide alliance and stop the enemy dead in their tracks." Zianna says. I can see the revenge boiling up inside her. Her pale face turning a darker shade of pink and her voice raising in volume and tone near the end.

"You knew of my mother's suspicion of the surprise enemy assault? I had no idea that plot ever made it outside the Inner Circle." I say, utterly surprised.

 "When you have been used to scavenging for things your whole life, finding information, especially the important things becomes very easy. Besides, we had so may spies in your mother's court in an attempt to locate the crown; word gets around."

"Well, we should all try to get some rest in case we may have to fight again." I say, trying to stall sharing my story. Zianna is not just not somebody I trust with my plans and past experiences.

Nobody answers so I settle myself in the back of the cell. There are no blankets so I tear off the bottom of my dress so I have something somewhat comfortable to sleep on. My thoughts drift away to my mother. The last time I saw her was the night before the attack, at a ball celebrating the liberation of the Edilyan slaves in the Badlands. She made me accompany a young man from Viennara named Mercurio. His mother, Mialina, the Queen of Viennara is friends with my mother so our date was a mutual agreement. I hated that idea so much that after a couple of songs, I found my mother and told her I hated her and never wanted to set foot in her sight again. Those were my last words to her before her death. Images of Mercurio twirling me across the dance floor flash in my mind. His eyes locked with mine as our bodies were pressed together to the beat of the music. Mialina and Arianna had both taken the time to mention how cute we looked, saying we should really be together. He agreed mentally, pushing me against a wall and slamming his lips on mine. Not expecting nor desiring it, I pull away and leave the ballroom for the night. I saw neither my mother nor Mercurio the next morning.

In the haze of dreaming, the images flash from my mind, morphing into Celisse and I just two nights ago. We are in the forest, sitting under a tree after hearing the devastating news. We were unable ot leave the forest kingdom of Cellestar. As I sat, a plan began to form in my mind. Queen Marlena had said there was no way out, that the kingdom played  with our minds, but there is such a thing as a mind cleanser. Cellise told me about the charm about four years ago. It allows you to see as if there was no veil, no darkness lain there be trickery. My dream spirit stands under the tree as the two girls get up and the spell is cast. It had been as if our eyes had just been opened to the world. I follow as we move in the direction of the Pyrian River. The river runs through the centre of our peninsula , and just happens to also run through the land near Torah. We run along the muddy banks of the dirty river and I for the first time could see the cloud of darkness hanging over Torah. Only there would the sun never shine or the moon never rise; just darkness all day long. Torah is actually much closer to Edilya than I had expected, explaining why they went for my kingdom first. Celisse and Lana walk up to the city wall covered by an invisibility charm and they climb over the main gate. Now inside, a strange noise catches their attention. It sounds like an angry crowd wanting some people to fight. The moment we hear the name of Princess Ziana mentioned, Lana leads the way towards the noises. When we reach its source, Lana peers through the cracks in the doors and notices a young mage with long red hair holding up a shiny, silver crown. Arianna's silver crown.

Ziana must want that crown, for she takes out a sword and begins to fight the young mage. She also sends out little orbs of white light that appear to do no damage, but result in the mage lying motionless on the stone. The princess picks up the crown and seems to bask in the glory of her recently declared victory. That is where I draw the line. The crown belonged to my mother and I am going to take it back.

I shiver, knowing where that got me, as the scene shifts again. This time I do not recognize the environment or what is being said. I see a young girl who looks similar to me talking to my aunt, Taea in a dark room. Both of our voices are hushed, almost like we are trying not to avoid being discovered by somebody. I hear Taea mentioning Zarya's plan possess all seven gems and that is when I realize that I am in the future. This is just one of many things that can happen in my life. She says that one person will rule, but Zarya intends to do more than rule. She plans to exterminate the rest of the world as well. That is why Taea tells the future to me. She wants me to be the one to plot against her and try to get all of the jewels before they fall into enemy hands. I also see flashes of me toiling with other men and women in rivers, working for some rich men, and of me being reunited with Mercurio while I try to seek his mother's allegiance. There is a significance to this dream, and I know because my mother speaks to me. She says this is the path I must take, so I let the visions fade away and drift into a restless sleep.

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