Zianna~ The City of Torah

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                There is no sun here, only the dark gray clouds that come with having evil parents and living in an evil city such as Torah. Today is different though, the clouds are almost black, dropping rain by the bucket, keeping everyone inside, condemned to living their lives in the dark and away from the light. Back before I was even born, there were luscious trees and gardens outside the Citadel, but last year, my father, Maninäe ordered the trees cut down, gardens burned and the front gates locked forever. My mother is however, going too far. She will not even allow me to speak with any of the few friends I have left. Every day when I wake up she locks the doors and makes me resort to reading the strange magic scrolls she leaves on my bed.

                Today, I lay on my cold, stone bed, ignoring the selection of books that I will never read even if I had nothing else to amuse myself with. They teach you how to obtain and control the power used by a dark mage, and in truth, I would rather die than become what my parents and the rest of Torah has already become long ago. If only I was born in any other kingdom in Norvia. I would be treated like a princess instead of a useless civilian, I woud have friends like Princess Lana, my magical qualities could be used to help Norvia instead of tear it to shreds, like innocent pieces of paper.

                “Zianna open this door immediately! I need to speak with you.”

                “Who is this and what is it you want with me?” I call.

                “This is your mother, now open the door. Your father and I have called an important meeting with Aramina to discuss the progress of our plan for Norvia.”

                I open the door slowly to reveal the face of my mother, her once delicate features are now twisted in agony, distorted beyond recognition from the magic she has learned over the years. All of the beauty she once possessed is now gone, completely vanished, revealing bright red eyes, an un-kept mess of ginger curls and flame-shaped scars on both arms, showing her pledged allegiance to the Fireminds. My mother does not smile at me nor offer a greeting, dark mages never do. It seems as though the good times and happiness we once shared are replaced by evil memories form the last few years.

                “Forget it!” I scream at her. “You never needed me anyways. All you do is give me books that have lain untouched for months on end and ruin the city I used to be able to call home.”

                Grabbing me by the hand and yanking me through the plain, stone door, she says, “Zianna you need to understand me.”

                “What is there to understand?” I ask. “You are slaughtering innocent people, taking away their lives as you did mine.”

                “Though studying the art of Black Magic, I have come to possess the gift of foresight, and now I am in desperate need of your help. I have foreseen Norvia’s demise, and I do not want to be a part of it.” My mother explained.

                “You want to separate from Norvia? Is there no other way; does evil have to be the only way out?”

                “Zianna darling, there is no other way. Even I cannot save your beloved world from destruction.”

                “What makes you think…” I am unable to finish as a young woman calls for my mother.

                “Zarya, the council awaits your presence.” She says.

                “Aramina, I will be with you in just a short while.”

                “No, I asked you to get Zianna and bring her swiftly.”


                I see Aramina smile at me as we walk down the dark hallway toward the council. This is the first time I seen a smile since the city turned black and gray. What a pity it truly is to see such beautiful sings of happiness wasted on anger and evil. Aramina is the leader of the Fireminds, a people who wield an aggressive fiery power, slashing and burning their way to every victory, but she is nothing like that. Today she wears her hair down, free from the hood of her black robe, her curls the colour of cold coals snaking down over her shoulders like a black snake slithering across charred branches. Her eyes the colour of the Pyrian, appear at ease as we walk instead of the usual cold stare, typical of every Firemind I have met. The stench of burnt flesh alerts my senses. Her arms are scorched beyond recognition, as if she was caught in a blaze, an unusual accident for one so used to the presence of flames.

                The two adults lead me into a room full of strange people including my father, Maninäe, and a large band of Fireminds. My mother and Aramina take the empty seats on either of my father and motion for me to come take a seat. I refuse the offer and stand in the doorway. If I am so desperately needed at this meeting, I can listen and still be a part of the plot by standing here. My mother and father can force me to come, but they have no control over my heart and my desires, over which I can make my own choices as a free person. At least I still consider myself free.

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