Chapter 3 ~ Encounter ~

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It was like a memory. A strange, hazy memory from far too long ago. She could see figures, but they were far too blurred to make out. But on the one hand, they were comforting.

Wake up !

-Huh... Where I am again ?
Lizie sat up, grimacing, lying on a bed. Sora was beside her, already awake. There was also the man who had knocked her out, and a young girl with short hair.
-Ah, you've woken up at last! said the latter.
The girl blinked and started screaming, pointing at the young man with the brown hair and the scar on his face.
-He's the attacker! He's kidnapped us! Call the police!
There was a heavy silence.
-Ah heh, actually Lizie... Sora began to say.

Once the brunette had woken up completely and calmed down, the second girl in the room spoke again.
-I'm the great ninja Yuffie! She introduced herself again, having already done so with Sora.
-... My name is Leon. Followed the man.
-Nice of kidnappers to introduce themselves... muttered the brunette with the blue tips.
The man called Leon sighed.
-As I've already told your friend, I've got some explaining to do. he said.
-Yeah friend... You're pretty well acquainted, aren't you! Anyway, I'm waiting for your explanations or whatever.
There was another sigh.

-That 'Keyblade' you're carrying, the Heartless are looking for it as we speak. To stop them finding you, we had to hide the presence of your hearts. But that won't work for long. explained the young man. I can't believe it's kids like you who have wielded it. he added.
-Hey! I won't allow you to...
-But I suppose necessity is the law... he cut Lizie off.
Sora frowned before looking at Leon. Although he'd known since he'd woken up that the two of them wanted to explain what they'd said without going into detail, it was all too much for him.
-I can't understand a word you're saying! What's going on here?

-There are many worlds that have remained secret until now because they weren't connected. The arrival of the Heartless changed everything. Explained Yuffie.
-The 'Heartless'? the two children spotted at the same time.
-Do you remember the monsters that attacked you? replied the ninja.
-And how! annoyed Lizie.
-Those who have no heart. added Leon.
-What attracts them is the dark side of people's hearts.
-And there's a dark side to every heart.

They went on to explain something about a man called Ansem, and the role of the Keyblade, among other things. The more they went on, the less Lizie was able to follow, so much so that at the end of the explanations, she rubbed her head, looking annoyed.
-Raaaah... Do you really want me to understand all that?
-If you've understood the essentials, that's important enough... replied Yuffie, responding to the brunette and blue.
-I've understood that we have to beat the shit out of the Heartless and lock the doors. Is that it?
-Simplified, yes. Léon replied, leaning against a door.

Sora remained silent, taking his time to take it all in, worrying about his friends.
-Yuffie, go and join Aerith. She must already be here with the other visitors. ordered the man with the scar.
-Leon! Shouted the girl concerned when she saw a Heartless appear.
The two Keyblade wielders gasped before getting into fighting position.
-Yuffie, go for it! the man ordered again, grabbing his weapon.
She complied and ran into the next room.

-Sora, Lizie, let's go! Leon announced, stepping in front of the children.
He threw a blow at the enemy, who was propelled outside, shattering the window. He went through the window, followed by Sora and Lizie. The latter crashed miserably to the ground, scraping her knees, not being used to doing that. She grimaced as she insulted the ground, then started to run.

The group reached the third quarter. The two children finally stopped, out of breath, when suddenly a loud noise was heard, followed by screaming. Looking up, they saw two things fall. Sora started to run, the child Lizie was backing up. One was crushed by the two things, but not the other.
-The key! exclaimed the two individuals, who were none other than a duck and a dog.
But no sooner had they stood up than a tremor was felt. Then walls blocked all exits from the neighbourhood. What's more, a suit of armour fell from the sky, quickly getting to its feet.

-What the fuck! I didn't sign up for this!
Lizie stepped back, having bad memories of her previous fight with a giant thing.
-Lizie! This is no time to be thinking about that! Sora shouted
-I refuse to fight that thing, is that clear?!
Despite her words, she had to pull out her Keyblade. She struck the armour, accompanied by the two talking animals and the spiky-haired boy.

After several targeted attacks on the feet, as well as healing spells sent out by the feathered critter, the blue-tipped brunette managed to defeat her enemy. Or rather, she managed to defeat her foot. The dog had taken care of the other, the boy and the duck the arms. All that was left was her torso and her head.
-Raaah! I'm fed up, it hurts everywhere! I've done my bit, now it's your turn to finish!
She let herself fall. The young girl didn't want to fight any more, she just wanted to get back to her cosy bed. So the boys finished the fight.

The armour was defeated. A heart flew out of its remains before disappearing. The walls disappeared too.
-We've done it! Sora enthused
-We managed too well! added Lizie.
The two celebrated their victory, happy to have overcome the armour.

-Would you like to come with us? the dog suddenly suggested to Sora. We can explore other worlds with our ship.
-What do you say? What was that for? Were you looking for me? he asked.
-They're looking for Keyblade carriers too. Leon interjected.
Lizie moved closer to her fellow Keyblade wielders, arms crossed behind her head as the boy lowered his head.
-I wonder if I could find Riku and Kairi... he said.
-Ah, that's right, I've got to find that other idiot Seans. Lizie recalled nonchalantly.
-Of course you can find them!
The brunette raised his head, full of hope, while the two animals began to mumble something. The brunette and blue one raised an eyebrow, finding it suspicious.

-Sora, Lizie, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends. replied the man with the scar.
-I'll come with you! decided Lizie.
-Only the holder of the key has the right to come! said the duck.
The girl grabbed the animal by the top of its garment and pulled out her Keyblade, which, unlike Sora, was less like a key.
-And what do you think I've got? Let me come or I'll make you eat it!
The young girl didn't usually like animal abuse, but right now she had a good excuse for threatening him. And then, was it really a duck, since he was dressed, talking. But thanks to this, he agreed to let her accompany them.
-OK, you can come... ! But if you're going to look like that, you're not coming with us. No sulking... No sad faces. No sad faces. OK?
-Yeah, he's got to look funny, like us! added the dog.
The duck pushed him before speaking again.
-This ship is all about happy faces!

-Happy? Sora repeated.
He kept his head down, Lizie looking bored. Then the garco lifted his head, a broad smile that made everyone laugh.
-Now that's a happy face! remarked the dog.
-Ok, why not? I'm going with you, folks! announced the boy.
The duck held out its wing - if it wasn't a hand - smiling.
-My name is Donald!
-And I'm Crazy. Imitated the dog.
-I'm Sora. The spiky-haired boy introduced himself.
-And I'm Lizie! Followed the young girl, a smile on her face.
-One for all, and all for one! announced Goofy as everyone put their hands on top of each other.

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