Chapitre 5 ~ Keyhole ~

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   Lizie was walking through the Lotus Forest, not really knowing where she was going. She even tended to come back to the same place, which annoyed her greatly.
   She finally settled down on the ground, fed up with walking everywhere.
   -Raaah! and where's the other hedgehog?
   She picked up a piece of wood from the ground and threw it further before lying down, looking up at the sky - or rather the ceiling.

   -Are you looking for your friends? Or the shadows? a voice suddenly asked.
   -Who's there?
   She turned her head. On the remains of a tree was a strange cat, with pink and purple fur
   -A talking cat!
   The girl jumped to her feet and couldn't help but jump on it. But the mysterious animal disappeared, only to reappear a little further on.
   -Come on, you can't catch Cheshire's
Cheshire cat like that!
   -But... But... I just wanted to give you a cuddle! Cats like that! As for your question, I'm not looking for anything! A cat that doesn't let itself be cuddled doesn't deserve my attention....!

   She began to sulk. The Cheshire Cat, meanwhile, disappeared, leaving only his head floating not far from the brunette.
   -That's fine. But watch out for the Darkness the day it gets you...
   When Lizie turned her head, the animal had disappeared for good. She puffed out her cheeks, too frustrated by events and therefore unable to think about the feline's words.

   Just as she was about to set off again, a voice called out to her in the distance, followed by the sound of footsteps. It was a voice she knew well, even though she'd only known it for a short while.
   -Ah, there you are at last! I've been looking everywhere for you! she shouted at Sora.
   -It's more like we've been looking for you! Where have you been? Donald grumbled.
   -I ran away to survive, that's all.
   Sora looked at her friend, smiling and crossing her arms behind her head.
   -The most important thing is that we're together again. he said.
   Lizie gave him a bored look.
   -Yeah, well... How are things going with the other dictator?

   The trio gave each other an awkward look before the brunet spoke, explaining what had happened between their separation and now: the clues, the fight to get Alice back and her disappearance. And even the encounter with the Cheshire Cat who had given them a place to go.
   -Did you see anything when you were in the cage? asked Crazy.
   -I didn't see anything. Come on, let's get out of here.
   The woman wandered off in one direction.
   -Er... It's this way Lizie. Sora called.
   -... I knew it!

   The quartet, now reunited, soon arrived at a silent garden. Only a table was set, with numerous teacups, plates and cutlery, as well as a cake. Sora approached it, a little curious.
   Then the group pushed open a door and entered a strangely laid-out room. The Cheshire Cat was waiting for them, comfortably seated on a table.
   -Oh no, not that filthy beast! shouted Lizie, annoyed.
   -The shadows are hiding somewhere. How can I find them? Try turning on the light.
   And he disappeared again.
   -That cat is really getting to be unbearable disappearing all the time! Donald said impatiently.
   -I agree with you. agreed the brunette with the blue tips.
    Sora jumped up on the table where the strange animal was and turned on one of the lights. At the same time, some Heartless appeared. The boy with the Keyblade jumped down from his promontory to help his friends, before switching on the other light. Once this was done, the cat reappeared, more or less surprising the group.
   -All the lights are on. You will soon see the shadows. They will appear in this room, but elsewhere. he announced. Maybe they'll try to pick the lock.
   -Will they? said the two Keyblade wielders at the same time.
   But the cat disappeared again before any questions could be asked.
   -I've never seen such a boring cat! cried Lizie.

   After a sigh, the group began to ponder the meaning of the feline's words, except for Lizie. As the group's dog looked up, he noticed something. He turned to the rest of the foursome.
   -For all we know, this other room is the door knob room.
   -What do you mean? asked Sora.
   -Look up there!
   He pointed to the ceiling, which bore a striking resemblance to the room he'd mentioned.
   -Let's have a look!
   The dark-haired man ran out of the room, followed by the two animals. Lizie puffed out her cheeks, already fed up with this world.

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