Part 20

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I rushed over to Staurt and Bev so I didn't make them wait any longer than they already had. I felt bad making them give me a lift. I should be able to drive by now.

As I reached to open the passenger door, Bev rolled down her window from the front seat.

"Maeve! Come on now girl, we have mojitos waiting at home" Her voice was higher than normal, she almost sounded like an excited girl being allowed to have a sleepover for the first time.

Stuart glanced in my direction and gave me a small nod with a forced smile. I could tell he would rather be at home right now watching football.

"Thanks for giving me a lift you two, i appreciate it" I said, whilst opening the door and shuffling in the back passenger seat.

Bev tutted. "It's no problem Maeve, Stuart and I don't mind at all. Plus you always have great songs in your spotify you can connect to the car speaker. Normally Stuart forces me to listen to football coverage" Bev giggled whilst poking Stuart on his shoulder.

Stuart gave a small grunt before switching on the engine. "Not just yet love, we still need the other one." Bev glared at Stuart before turning her face around to me in the back.

What did she mean 'the other one?' I had thought twyla was meeting us there.

"Can you tell him to hurry his arse? kick off is at 7pm and i'm not missing it Beverly." Stuart almost whined and his finger started to impateitnly tap the steering wheel.

I had a bad feeling. And before my brain could compute all of my thoughts, my eyes almost burnt a hole through the Tesla windscreen.

Walking towards the empty car park where I was currently sitting in the back passenger seat of Bev's Tesla, was Baphomet.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands and blinked at least ten times before I could believe what I was seeing.

Benjamin was walking- nay- strutting over to the car. He was wearing his normal clothes since he hadn't been at work today and was carrying what looked like a bottle of Rum in his hand.

I perched further to the edge of the seat, literally lost for words. "Okay now Maeve, don't be angry but-" Bev's cautious tone told me everything I had suspected.

This douche was coming too. I could even make out his stupid smug grin from this far away. He must have set this whole thing up.

"I just knew you wouldnt come, and you might hate me for saying this but he's such a laugh and not too bad on the eyes either... I think you two would-" I cut Bev off before she said another word. Lord give me strength.

"Nope! Please don't finish that sentence" I pleaded whilst turning to my right, to where Benjamin was now opening the car door.

I thought it was bad enough standing 5 metres away from him in Brewtiful. Nevermind the 1cm of distance we will have back here once he squishes in.

The car door swung open and I released a breath i never knew i had been holding. Calm down. Calm it Crazy. It's just Benjamin. Its just that arsehole who tormented you for years, ruined your job and now, your social life.

God! This was unfair. What was Bev thinking?

I needed an excuse. Anything would do. I could ask Mum to text me saying there was an emergency with our dog. The only issue is... i dont have a dog. Come on... think of something. Anything!

Before i could get my excuses in order, Benjamin swung into the passenger seat next to me. Just like i had expected, we were basically hip to hip. I immediately turned to face my side door window.

"Hey Stu, Hey Bev!" Benjamin said, sounding way too happy and way too familiar. 'Stu'? I had known Stuart for nearly three years and not once had i heard anyone called him Stu.

"Hello Lovely, how are you?" Bev's sweet voice replied and I felt my fingernails dig into the palm of my hands.

"I'm doing better after seeing you." He replied, and I scoffed. What a kiss ass.

"Come on now son, put your belt on...i've not got all day" Stuart spoke, but instead of his usual bossy tone, his comment sounded almost lighthearted. It sounded like he actually didn't mind him. As Benjmain chuckled whilst clipping in his seat belt, Stuart drove out of the car park and started driving us to their home.

"Hello Maeve" Benjamin 's voice was strong, but I could hear the falseness in every syllable.

I slowly turned my head towards him, glaring. "Why hello there Benny. What brings you here? Are Stuart and Bev dropping you off on that Alleyway all those women in short skirts like to hang around. I'm sure I've spotted you there a few times before "I sneered, whilst feigning ignorance.

I heard Stuart snort at the same time Bev gasped. "Maeve! Be nice to Benjamin. He will be joining us for drinks tonight and I expect both of you to behave" Bev sounded like my mother telling me off.

Benjamin exhaled slowly, whilst plastering on a fake smile. He even flashed some teeth. Instead of charming, like he had probably intended, all I could see was a Lion flashing his canines to his prey.

"Maeve's only kidding Bev, She and I love to tease each other" Benjamin assured whilst fiddling with one of the many silver rings he had on his hand. 

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