Part 21

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God he was unbearable. It wanted to get that bottle of rum and smash it over his head.

"Good. Because I want tonight to be fun for everyone!" Bev exclaimed. I tried to stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head.

We drove in silence for a few minutes before Bev switched on the radio. "Do you want to do that thing where you link up your spotify maeve?" Bev asked sweetly.

There was no way in hell I was playing my music with mister judgy over there. I cleared my throat before responding. "Actually my phone battery is really low so maybe I should just stick with the radio Bev," I replied.

"Okay love, you can use one of our chargers once we are home." Bev changed the channel to a radio station known for playing 80's tunes and began humming away. Obviously oblivious to the tension in the backseat.

"What's your drink of choice?" An annoying, low voice almost whispered into my ear.


"I'll drink anything....but Rum." I shot him an annoyed glance. It was then I noticed what he was wearing. I was so angry at his unexpected arrival i hadn't even bothered even looking at him.

Normally he wore a black top and jeans for work but today he was wearing ripped black jeans, a studded belt and a Band Tshirt. More specifically my favourite band... on his fucking tshirt. How dare he!

I could feel the anger boiling in my veins. That was my favourite band. He wasn't allowed to like them too. He should be wearing an NYSYNC shirt or something else equally as shit.

"Do I have something on my shirt, or do you just like what you see?" Benjamin asked, sounding amused.

"Don't flatter yourself Narcissus. I was just trying to figure out why you looked different."

Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Sure"

I shrugged my shoulders. Intentionally trying to wind him up.

"And?" he asked sounding nonchalant.

"Hmmm?" I tilted my head and pulled my face into a confused expression. I knew what he was asking i just wanted to hear him ask me.

"What's different about me then?"

Ha, he really was a shallow man child.

"Well at first i thought it was your outfit, but you always look like you've fallen into Hot Topic and picked the most cliche 'bad boy' outfit even Anna Todd couldn't have come up with..."

"Who the hell is Anna To-"

"But I realised, it was just your hair. Normally because of your height I don't really look at it up close" I goaded. Intentionally being obtuse.

Benjamin narrowed his snake green eyes. "And what about my hair, Stormy?" He dared me to continue. Sucks for him but I never chicken out of a dare.

"Well it's just much more greasy up close. And your hairline is much further back than I had thought." I deadpanned, making sure my voice was quiet enough that it wouldn't be heard by Stuart or Bev in the front seats.

Benjamin's hair wasn't greasy. It was actually in better condition than my own, but he didn't need to know that. He had so many people tell him he was gorgeous, his ego needed to be put down a little bit. And I was more than happy to help out.

In actuality Benjamin's hair should have been used in shampoo commercials. The dark brown, almost black shade always looked glossed to perfection, with small curls forming just behind his ears.

I think his hairline was even better than mine too. I went through the phase all girls did when Ariana Grande had her tight ponytail trend and tried to recreate it.

Benjamin pulled his hand up to his chest. "Wow. So mean. I was just about to tell you that you looked beautiful today." He titled his head and his face went expressionless, his eyes darkening.

I felt sick. The playfulness of the moment before gone. I remembered who I was sitting next to. I was 16 again. Scared to look into his eyes. Worried that if i got too close i would be burnt.

I was too close and he had just burnt whatever shards of confidence I had only recently managed to find again.

Out of everything he could have said, that was the real sucker punch to the stomach because I had only ever heard him say the word beautiful once before.

I turned quickly and rolled down my window. Staring out at the road. Thankful for the cold breeze and the escape. I tried to tell myself to grow up, not to think about it. But I couldn't help myself. 

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