Chapter 15: The background

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Authors note: hey sorry it's been a second. i've been really busy and my motivation has been non existent but i was able to write this and im definitely excited to continue on! Sorry it's a little short but i hope you enjoy!

⚠️TW: SH, ED, SA, depression and anxiety!!!⚠️

Colette's pov:

Papa is finally home and it's time for our serious discussion. We all sit at the dinner table, Eli, Blake and I on one side of the table; while Papa and Dad sit in the other side.

Charlie: "•Okay where do i even start•..."

Dad holds his hand and rubs his back.

Charlie: "•when i was 14...i developed an e@ting disorder, @nor£xia of you want to get specific. I have always had body dysmorphia and my mental health was at an all time low. I was also dating this guy...•"

He trails off and dad holds him closer

Eli: "•was it dad?•"

Nick: "•not yet...•"

he sighs deeply and papa looks back at us.

Charlie: "•His name is Ben and he treated me horribly. we only met when he wanted to, where he wanted to, when he felt like kissing a boy. After a while i got sick of it and broke up with him...he asked me to meet up with him and for some reason i agreed....•"

Papas eyes water. Blake and eli hold each other's hands and i grab Eli's other hand.

Papa takes a deep breath and looks down at the table.

Charlie: "•that was the day i was assaulted•"

he says it quietly and my heart breaks. I look towards dad to see his expression and he is completely blank.

Charlie: "•luckily...your dad followed me and saved me. since then we began to hang out more often and get closer. The more i was with your dad the happier i was but i still was dealing with my eating and finally in a school trip to paris, i passed out in a museum. That was the day i told your dad about my @nor£xia•"

Nick: "•i took it upon myself to help him...i wasn't enough though and that's fine. one person can't always be the only help you need. I was able to help him into therapy and everything went okay. Of course relapses happen but we've been here supporting each other•..."

we sit in silence for a second and blake speaks up.

Blake: "•when you say you mean eating or•..."

Dad and papa go silent, sucking in a breath.

Nick: "•we've both had our fair share of struggling with s€lf h@rm. But we've been in therapy and we've both been clean for a while•"

Charlie: "• have..."

Tears roll down his face and my heart breaks. Dad hugs him, pulling him into his chest. I look over at Eli and Blake, both crying quietly.

I wrap my arm around Eli and rub blake's shoulder. I keep my tears down, i need to stay calm and collected for them.

Eli: "•what about you dad? did something like this happen to you...?•"

He looks up and sighs.

Nick: "•umm well not really. he had my fair share of struggles but not like him...•"

Blake: "•like what...?•"

He takes a deep breath and i speak up.

Colette: "•you don't have talk about it dad. blake is being noisy•"

Nick: "•no you guys deserve to know.•"

He takes another breath and papa is still buried in his chest.

Nick: "•you have an uncle, David. He's my older brother but he's always been an ass. All he did was torment me. When char and i started dating it got pretty bad but i always just ignored him. Your grandfather...well he was never really there. Mimi and him got divorced when i was really young and that's just how it was.•"

Everyone is crying, except me. I feel like i should be because everyone else is but i know if i start to cry, no one will be able to support the other people.

We all stay silent. They cry and i just watch. It makes me feel more guilty as i just watch them and that in itself makes me want to cry.

I'm starting to question everything about religion. How could two amazing people have such bad childhoods? They deserve everything in the world and that's what pisses me off.

Blake: "•dad...papa...we've never met grandpa before but umm...•"

She stutters and i see both their faces go blank.

Blake: "•he reaches out to me not too long ago...on tiktok•"

Dad's face goes red with anger.

Nick: "first of all, you were never allowed to get tiktok! second that bastard, i told him to stay away from my family!"

He calls him a bastard and slams his hand on the table. We flinch.

Blake: "•i'm sorry to go behind your back i just- everyone else has it and people were starting to make fun of me!"

Dad stands up.

Nick: "•i'll deal with that later, give me your phone i wanna see what he said.•"

Come back to see what happens;)

Time FliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora