Chapter 37

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Sam's health started declining in the last week or two. I've been so wrapped up in my own shit that things got out of hand and I didn't realise until she collapsed in the kitchen. This happens when she does too much. That god damn social life, her fierce need for independence, too many late nights, perhaps missed some of her medications. It all adds up to a sort of breakdown of her body. It creeps up quickly but takes weeks to recover. I take full responsibility for this fuck up and I feel terrible for letting my sister down like this. Luckily we have the best remedy and after our discussion it sounds like we are ready to share our secret getaway to just allow ourselves and Sam more importantly, to rest and recover.

I called Katie earlier today and she's meeting us soon at the hospital. God that woman is so perfect. It's not just her body. Ok, her body is hot as fuck but it's so much more. Her skin feels so amazing beneath my fingers, like soft silk beckoning to me. I can't be in the same room as her without having to touch her. Feel her close to me. Feel her pulse. Feel her warmth. It's seeping deep into my soul and although that frightens the shit out of me, I've decided that I'm not going to deny any of it. She's my present and I hope my future too. My heart has known this for a long while, my brain has just caught up and now my balls have to step up to the plate because it's time to let her know. To tell her that she is the most charming, smart, attractive, enchanting person I've ever met. And she's it for me. Forever. It's a scary place to be - being that vulnerable to someone who has the potential to break you. But something tells me that everything will be okay. I can see the way she looks at me with those big fucking gorgeous eyes. Like she's stripping me bare. I don't want to fight it. I let her see me. Mostly it's too much for her, to see that feeling reflected back at her and she has to look away. But I know. I also see how she looks at Sam. It's honest and raw and real and I know how much she cherishes her. The anger she once felt for someone she had never met was replaced with nothing less than total admiration. We are all safe together. I hope anyway.

Sam is laying in the hospital bed but not getting the proper rest I know she needs. She will soon and she's also just made me a very happy man. Before the accident our parents purchased a block of land a few hours away on the coast with private access and spectacular views with a dream to build a home for us to all enjoy. After their passing I made it a priority project to design the perfect place for Sam and I to retreat from our bustling everyday lives and just "be". It gives us time to relax our minds and bodies and I've always felt more connected to her and the beautiful memory of our parents at this special place. We swim in the pool or the ocean, sleep and just take our time to appreciate each other and what we have. We also reflect on what we have lost and not to take anything for granted. Our oasis.
Our sanctuary.
This is the very best place for Sam to allow her body to recover. It has worked brilliantly in the past and we are both excited to return to our haven for as long as we want and need. And now I want to share it with the woman I'm about to lay my heart out for. Holy shit.

"Are you absolutely sure Sam?" I question with a serious tone.
We've never taken anyone to the beach house before. Not even our closest friends. It's only ever been us.

"Cos this will change everything you know." I'm stern.
It means I'm completely committing myself to Katie and a future together.
That includes Sam too.
Our family.

Sam nods her head and smiles. She knows the gravity of the decision we're making.

"I know this has been a lot. Maybe too much too soon hey," I shake my head.
I feel full of regret that I let Sam down and didn't realise how sick she was, therefore getting us into the situation where we are inundated with hospital visits and endless doctors appointments. It's always too much. Who doesn't hate being fucking poked and prodded with endless tests and medications.

"So we can take a break. Get away from all of this. Just us. For as long as you want."
The beach house.
Nothing but time.

"It's probably better that way," I say convincingly.
"Make a clean break."
Just get us away from the fucking four depressing walls of the hospital and get some fucking sunshine on our backs.
On Katie's back
Her naked back.
With my hands all over her back.
And everywhere else.
Yes fucking please.

"Ok well let's do this now. I'll give Katie a call." It's decided.

I'm so excited that I call her straight away like a bouncy school kid. It rings and rings and eventually goes to her voicemail.
I try again.
No answer.
My phone bings with a text message.
It's from her.

My smile turns to a frown and all the blood drains from my face.

What the fuck just happened?

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