The date

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As Kale went off to talk to the others I stayed exactly where I was looking over the hills remembering the stupidest thing I've done in my life 'Johnson, you're going to be okay." wrapping the bandage around his stomach 'Ryder don't wanna die.' he pleaded 'You're not going to die on my watch I promise you that, you'll see your family when you get back.' I said holding his wound 

'Carson, how far out is the black swan!' I shout over the gunfire 'It's here!' turning my head 'Why won't it land?'  I asked 'Because of them.' pointing to the Taliban over the hill 'Of fucking course, Carson you need to carry him.' looking at him as I undid my bag

 'Why are you taking off your bag?' he asked 'Because I'm going to distract them, so when I say go you take him and I'll run Mark cover me.' they looked at me as if I was crazy 'What!'  Carson said 'No one's died on me yet and I'll never live with myself if Johnson does now get the fuck over here!' i shout 

'Okay.' he said 'Ready 3, 2, 1 GO!' I shouted running onto the hill and grabbing their attention, sprinting as fast as I could to get between the trees back and forth without  getting shot in the distance I saw the helicopter fire explosives at them allowing me to run back down to the others as it flew off with johnson inside 

As I get back to my team 'You are one crazy bitch you know that?' Mark asked nodding my head 'Yeah, tell me something I don't know.' putting my bag on making them laugh 

I'm brought out of my memory hearing a phone ping standing up with bible in hand and hearing Kale's voice "I've got a text." he said, "What does it say?" I asked him " Well I'm about to find out Ms Ryder Athens. Kale, today you will date two girls. Please choose who you would like to accompany you, right now. Hashtag SangriaWithASideOfKale." he made me laugh 

"Can I please take you Ms Ryder Athens?" he looked at me "I would be delighted to be." making him smile "And can I also take Nakia." walking up the stairs "Let's go you Milf!" rolling my eyes "Trent I thought I told you not to call me a milf." putting my hands on my hips 

"He's not wrong you're a milf." Savanna said as I threw my hands up "Okay, I give up." making them laugh 

"I'm going on a date, I can't tell whether I'm happy or just nervous. Let's hope this goes well." giving a thumbs-up 

"Nakia is a lovely girl even though we have chatted once and we're going on this date but Ryder I just want to get to know her more than what we chatted about this morning" Kale smiled making the camera crew smile  

"Ryder, what are you wearing?" Tia asked "Something easy, that won't take too much effort since I'm having a lazy day." shrugging my shoulders making the girls laugh "Of course you are." Tara smacked my bum

 "Hey, look it's rare for me to take lazy days imagine having toddlers running ramped doing god's know what around the house." shaking my head 

After getting changed out of my swimmers into some real clothing the girls smile at me "I'm loving the overalls." Kira said, "Thanks, I can't remember when I got them but this is also what I'll be wearing tonight so don't say otherwise." Making the girls laugh at me "Come on girls!" we hear Kale shout 

As we walk outside we get compliments "Ryder you and Kale are wearing the same shoes." Ben pointed out "Huh we do." looking down at my feet "Kales a lucky boy." Nate said as he hugged Nakia and me before the three of us walked away 

"Okay Ryder it's your turn good luck." one of the producers said "Thanks let's hope I don't fluff this." making them laugh as I got to the table "Hi there Ms Ryder Athens can I get you a drink." making me laugh "Just a little Kale, I'm not really alcoholic person." he smiled 

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