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When Yibo entered inside house he was engulfed in a hug...he smiled.

Don't just smile bo...tell us where were you?

Omma stop crying see I'm all fine...
Mrs Wang who was hugging his son smiled softly and took her son's hand and lead him to couch...

Sit here...and I'm going to get something to eat after that you're going to tell us where were you...

No omma I'm not hungry and I was fine just I've had an argument with Ziyi and after that I left from there...
Yibo took a break because now he was going to lie to his only family but he has to do this so he continued

And after that I..I got lost in forest because The route was so confusing but a kind lady helped me her house was opposite from forest but I got a little fever so she gave me medicine so after that she asked her son to drop me here...
That's all...

Yibo told them but they were not very convinced with his words but they didn't ask further...
What you..fever..how..how are you now bobo..do you need to go clinic...

Calm down omma...I'm fine..I'm fine...

Are you sure bo...
Asked Yanli.

Yes jie I'm fine and why you think I'm not...I'm with my most lovable people so I'm all ok...now...

Ok then you take rest...and if you want anything tell me I'm going to cook something for you..
Mrs.wang went into kitchen to cook porridge for her son.

Bo..are you really telling the truth I mean you're not hiding something...no?

N..no jie..definitely no...I'm not hiding anything...now I'm going to take a bath...


Yanli was still not satisfied with Yibo's answers.

Mrs.Jiang also left for Xiao Mansion with Yubin because both were worried for Zhan who angrily left from there.

Zhan was in his room's bar section drinking wine from tumbler because glass was not enough to ease his mind.
He was in rage he was feeling anger inside but with that anger sadness was also mixed...and that's what he was not liking at all.

In the mean time Mrs.Jiang came in his room and saw his condition he was drunk but still drinking but now from a glass. He was sitting on his couch freely and his room well...all broken vases and things were telling his innner turmoil loudly but still Mrs.Jiang decided to confront her son.

Mr Xiao Zhan I also have the same question as Yibo...why you were at his place? Why you were waiting for him to reach at home safely? Why you were worried for him when there no relation between you two?
Why were you so curious to know everything?

Zhan was listening his mom while clenching his fists because he was afraid of his outburst on her so he calmed and there he came back again with his smirk..

That was because of my image...I was curious to know everything because I thought if people will see him with someone else they'll think that Yibo diched me but in reality I was the one who showed him his place...

Zhan said with his mountain like ego when he was confused inside what was he blabbering about but Mrs.Jiang was now so fed up with his nonsense so she angrily replied...

You know what the great actor Mr Xiao Zhan I thought you are a good actor with good dialogues but right now your acting is worst and your dialogues are sounding like some third grade movie..
You know what you keep drinking so you can ignore your thoughts with this because the lies you're feeding yourself someday you'll face them...right now you're drowned in your ego but when the reality of heart will take over your ego you'll not be able to face yourself and Him.

With that she left because she was angry with her dumb son who now once again started to drink but after taking a sip he was not able to drink because Yibo's face was playing in his mind like a movie...
So dragged himself on bed to sleep.

Yibo was looking at Zhan then he called his name slowly more like a whisper...
Zhan ge...
And that's Zhan ran towards him and hugged him...the pain and prickly feeling fade away in an instant the second he hugged Yibo...his heart was beating but in happiness....


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