Cody Rhodes

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Summary: Cody's mom and sisters (maybe fans) accuse Cody of favoring his niece Riley more than his nephews but he tried to prove to them that's not the case.

~Ig this suits the AEW Cody timeline better. Also, uh mind the fact Brandi and Libby aren't in the story- I js needed sum to work with. <3~

~Also, this is not to make anyone seem like a bad person or anything, this is just for entertainment purposes!!!~

Besides Cody's love and passion for wrestling and being the EVP of AEW, he is a man devoted to his family. With all that, there stood one person who he was with the most and that was his Niece Riley. Riley was the daughter of his brother Dustin Rhodes. She's an only child, so obviously she didn't really have anybody to hang out with. Soo anytime her uncle Cody had time off from work and was resting at home, Riley would come and visit. Even though Cody didn't have any kids of his own, Riley didn't care. She thought it was a whole lot better than staying at home all day doing nothing. Finally the day Riley heard Cody was coming back home for the week, she asked her dad if she could go over in which of course he said yes. Dustin texted Cody asking if it was okay for Riley to come over then of course Cody responded yes. Once Riley arrived she immediately knocked on the door. "Hiii Cody!!" Riley greeted as soon as Cody opened the door, "Hey kiddo! How've you been?" he greeted back. "I've been good! It's been a boring week though. school is so boring". Cody chuckled at her response "I could imagine.". Riley immediately ran over to the couches where Cody's dog  pharaoh was laying. Then she'd go on to follow Cody to his kitchen, "We should have a movie night!" Riley insisted as she saw the snacks on his counter. "Are you saying that because you see all these snacks on the counter?" He smiled. "Maybe" Riley responded with her joyful gaze. "Well go at it, pick whatever you want then maybe I'll doordash some dinner or somethin'". "AH! Thank you!! Thank you Cody you're the best!!" Riley hugged him then immediately dashed for the snacks. Cody couldn't help but chuckle, he really was a great uncle. Soon Riley would go pick a movie and set up the blankets and the snacks, while Cody was ordering Riley's favorite food. "Okay Cody, I finished setting everything up what do you think?" Riley presented.  The couch had blankets and pillows all over, with chips and candy on the small coffee table. Cody couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Looks great." he smiled. They'd go n' watch the movie for the meanwhile until the pizza was delivered. As soon as they heard the knock, Riley would run over to get it. "Ah! Thank you!" she said to the delivery person then closed the door. "Omg you got the pizza I like?!"- "Well yeah of course, what is a movie night without good ol' Riley n' uncle Cody's favorite pizza?". Riley giggled. The two would go to the couch settling back in once again and enjoying pizza. 

As the evening was starting to set in, Cody would look over to see a snoring Riley with a chip bag on her lap. He'd snap a picture n' send it to the family group chat, 

Family group chat:


Cody: Dustin come get your daughter! XD

Teil: Haha omg can't wait to see the living room tomorrow morning

Kristin: lol yeah

Cody couldn't help chuckle at their little antics in the group chat, this happened every time Riley was over. As Cody got up, he cleaned up a little bit organizing whatever needed to be before his family would come over for tomorrow. After that, he'd go to bed after letting Riley settle in the guest bedroom.

The next morning, Cody would get up doing his daily routine then heading to the kitchen to make his morning smoothie only to see Riley preparing some pancakes. "Hm, what do you think you're doin' little missy" Cody questioned looking at her pouring the batter. "Cookin'." Riley smiled. "I made chocolate chip ones, they're right here." Riley pointed to the plate of pancakes. Cody looked on and decided to try it. "Mm, these are pretty good. How'd you learn how to make all that?" - "Cook books. I don't really do much at home, so when I feel bored I just make some food y'know" She said as she flipped a pancake. "Hm, sounds like a good hobby to do. You cook your dad any of his meals?" Cody questioned curiously, "Sometimes. He usually orders takeout so I don't really cook all the time.".. The two conversated for a little bit until they heard a knock at the door, Cody opened the door to see his sisters, nephew and mom all there. "Well hey guys!" Cody greeted them as they came in. He'd hug them as they came in, "Hi guys!" Riley greeted as her aunts came into the kitchen, "Hey Riley" They greeted back. "What's that that you're cooking?" Her aunt Kristin asked, "Pancakes, I made some chocolate chip ones if you wanna try some." Riley smiled pointing to where the plate was. "Woww, I didn't know you knew how to cook." Teil said looking on. "Haha, yeah thanks to the Cook books I read home".

As Riley was doing her thing in over there, Cody was left talking to his mom Michelle along with  his nephews. "I'm glad that you finally got some time off. You finally get to spend some time with us." his mom smiled. "Yeah, tryin' to make up for lost time y'know" Cody chuckled. "Are you planning on spending this whole week with Riley and maybe the boys?" Michelle questioned looking on at the kids doing their own thing. "I mean if they want to, I'm just gonna enjoy anytime I have right now." Cody replied. "Well I mean, it would be nice. The boys need some time out the house." Teil said entering the Convo. "Well yeah, you can't just be spending all of it with Riley." Kristen said also. Cody looked at them kinda confused as to where this conversation was going. "I see where you guys are coming from, but it's up to the kids if they wanna come over. I mean, I'm not like a babysitter or anything but like-"- "But like what? It honestly seems like you favor Riley more than the boys. Have you not noticed the amount of times she's came over, or the amount of times you've taken her out to places and bought her stuff". Teil said "..Well yeah she's not wrong." Kristin and Michelle agreed. "Woah, I am not favoring Riley in any type of way. 1. She's the only girl out of the boys 2. she is an only child  3. she's the one who makes her own decisions. I honestly don't understand why I'm being accused of just excluding the boys. When I barely see them because Kristin is out doin' her own thing." Cody said getting fairly upset.

The topic was a fairly interesting one to get into, but lately pictures have surfaced of Cody hanging out with Riley at wrestling events, Disneyland and just going out on the streets. Fans have questioned if she was even his daughter. Cody knew, but just brushed that all off cause obviously that was no one's business.

As Cody done walked off, little did everyone know Riley overheard on some of the conversation while she was reading her book in the guest room. As she saw Cody looking visibly fustrated as he walked by, she stopped him. "Cody, what's wrong?". He sighed, "Nothing Riley. Just some adult business" He said trying to brush off the question. "Cody come on, tell me" Riley persisted. "No, Riley. I already told you. Just go back to reading or somethin'". 

~Uhm.. I'm just gonna end it there on a cliffhanger cuz honestly this was a pretty interesting story for me to write and idk if I'll do that again tbh cuz it didn't rlly meet my expectation how I thought it would.. <3~ 

~Also, Thank you @hardywoman99 for the request! Hope you love it.~

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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