Chapter 77: Life and death struggle in the forest.

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Chapter 77: Life and death struggle in the forest.

The wolf's skin is remarkably thick, and its strength is exceedingly robust.

Zhang Liu utilized his entire body weight, barely sufficient to suppress it.

Moreover, the skin of his fist endured constant abrasions from the wolf's hard teeth, and the four sharp claws scratched various areas.

He could only persist in stabbing with the bone spear.

However, the bone dagger shattered after making two or three holes.

This unexpected, almost desperate situation caused Zhang Liu's initially relaxed mindset to crumble instantly.

Simultaneously, sensing the opponent's "claw" breaking, the wolf started to fight ferociously.

The wolf's head, securely attached to Zhang Liu's palm, shook even more, and a lot of foul-smelling drool dripped from its mouth.

"Go to hell!" Zhang Liu roared frenziedly.

His eyes were already red, and his rage propelled him to jab the broken bone into the wolf's eyes with his back hand, forcefully continuing the motion.

After enduring such a powerful blow, the wolf struggled vehemently for the last time. However, Zhang Liu controlled its head tightly, eliminating any possibility of breaking free.

This scene appeared exceedingly brutal to Qin Ruyan, who had been awakened by the thunderous sounds.

Though she wasn't frightened, she desired to assist.

Yet, her current physical condition confined Qin Ruyan to resting against a tree.

The series of deafening sounds gradually subsided.

Zhang Liu also gradually halted the intense movements of his right hand.

Underneath him, the famished wolf, which had been twisting its head and beating its claws, now lay motionless.

His entire body ached, nearly to the point of numbness, and his legs trembled incessantly.

Zhang Liu rose from the ground, numbly walked to the side, retrieved the sheepskin bag that had fallen some distance away, and then slowly approached Qin Ruyan.

"Qin Rushuang, are you okay?" He was weary and chilled, his voice quivering.

Yet Zhang Liu himself was unaware of what he was saying. It was an instinctive inquiry.

"I'm fine," Qin Ruyan reassured, gripping the tree for support as she stood. She lacked the strength to dwell on how he had addressed her earlier but anxiously inquired, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine too. Did you come to find me? I discovered the plane wreckage Anya mentioned. You didn't need to come. Let's head back quickly!" Shaking his head, Zhang Liu spoke almost involuntarily, reaching out to seize Qin Rushuang and turning back in the direction they had come.

After taking only a few steps, he stumbled over a wolf's body on the ground and nearly fell.

"Be careful!" Sensing the boy's weakness in front of her, Qin Ruyan quickly extended her hand to grab Zhang Liu, then placed his arm on her shoulders and said, “This is the direction, right?”

The rain continued unabated.

"Yes!" After Zhang Liu heard Qin Rushuang's question, he answered in a low voice while simultaneously extending his hand to touch his body.

His stomach and chest were wet and sticky.

It was unclear whether it was rain or blood.

The wounds, felt immediately after being touched with his fingers, caused pain for Zhang Liu.

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