I can do it with a broken heart

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It had been 10 years since Taylor's eating disorder was at its worst. She had been dragged – kicking and screaming – to the professionals. She'd been forced into treatment and had come out the other side stronger and healthier.

She never thought she would be back there – she thought she had developed better coping mechanisms but right now – she had slipped back into the old problems. Her mum was poorly again – undergoing gruelling chemo and radiotherapy. Taylor couldn't support her because she was travelling the world to complete the eras tour and the guilt was eating her up.

The tour had opened up a world of problems for Taylor - she was over exercising to get the routines right, she wasn't taking the right breaks to stop and eat. She was surviving on adrenaline.

Plus she had faced the very public break up with all the scrutiny that had brought. Slowly she had fallen back into old habits. Initially she wanted to reach out for help, to stop herself falling further down the rabbit hole but quickly she knew she couldn't allow anyone to know. They'd stop her performing, cancel some of the dates. They'd force her back onto a horrible meal plan.

Plus – she was the most famous person on the planet now. If it was discovered she was struggling again, everyone would know about it. She couldn't let this ruin her career. She wouldn't let this take over. She knew she needed to hide it – to keep everyone off her back. Just until the tour was over – then she could get back on track by herself. She just needed to make it through the rest of the tour.

What she hadn't realised is that she wasn't doing as good a job as what she thought. Her dancers could see and feel the changes in her body, her stylist had to keep adjusting the outfits to fit her, even her management team had noticed the difference.

While Taylor thought she was fooling the world, she didn't realise the walls were actually closing in on her.

I am going to be working on a new story that has been requested about Taylor's eating disorder. I'm not sure how long it will be yet - it might only be a few chapters, it could be longer depending on how much i have to say. 

This is just the brief into. 

If you want me to publish it separately to this let me know and I can do that.

Thanks for all the comments and feedback

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